Chapter 6

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Emily Bennett's protection rings were both placed on her desk when she entered her study. How Elion managed to get both she had no idea, but he never disappointed her. Braelyn turned to the painting behind her chair. A large tree with two figures doing a handfasting ceremony under the moonlight. Braelyn smiled and moved the painting the safe hidden behind it gleamed in the light of her fireplace. The blood lock on the safe made it impenetrable as the door swung open and she placed the rings inside.

The woman sitting in front of the fireplace watched as Braelyn sealed the door, red-painted lips formed into a smirk as the two made eye contact. "Why am I here My Lady?" her thick Irish accent made the new form of address sound almost foreign to the witch. Braelyn however was not bothered "You are here because in ten days I shall be doing a reaping exchange ritual for a favour. It's been over 500 years since you last saw one, right?"

 There was a smug undertone in her voice as the other woman observed her with shrewd eyes. "Right, you Bennetts are a devious bunch" If Braelyn was offended by that comment, she did not let it show her face remained impassive. The woman stood up her cloak returning to her hand before she gave Braelyn one last bow "I shall return in ten days my lady" As the woman left the room Braelyn finally let a dark expression cover her face "Good night Aibell".

As the woman's aura disappeared another appeared it was bright with a small feeling of love and acceptance. "Elion, Caroline is here" The man quickly made his way over to the door and wrenched it open "Caroline!! Come on in little one" the blonde cheerleader entered with a bright smile and hugged the man. "It's been a while Elion". Her bright blue eyes searched the room for Braelyn and seemed to shine when they found her "Hey Braelyn". The witch turned to the girl and smiled at her before studying the young girl and sighing.

"It's no wonder that you are loved by everyone" Elion gave Brealyn a searching glance before the girl looked at Caroline with knowing eyes "Caroline what do you know about witches" A pained look came over both Bennett's faces when they realised that Elena and the others had not told the blonde a thing.

The two sat the girl down and began explaining everything in detail both watched as the blonde seemed to get more and more frustrated as they spoke and demonstrated. "So" she hissed softly "Elena and Bonnie knew and failed to tell me" There was an echo of hurt but her anger overshadowed it while the two adults nodded. Caroline seemed to be calm when she turned to Braelyn "So what about me bothers you". 

Braelyn looked at the girl for five minutes without speaking before turning to Elion "She had golden blonde hair, bright blue eyes, white skin a smile that seems to reflect light. Men and women are drawn to her. Helpful and protective, good with kids and enjoys giving gifts". As Braelyn listed these things Elions seemed a bit confused till Braelyn finished "sweet voice"

It was quiet before Elion let out an awe-filled whisper "Anjana". Braelyn nodded and gazed at the young teen who looked confused "The Anjana are one of the best-known fairies of Cantabrian mythology. These female fairy creatures foil the cruel Ojáncanu. In most stories, they are the good fairies of Cantabria, generous and protective of all people. Their depiction in Cantabrian mythology is reminiscent of the lamias in ancient Greek mythology, as well as the xanas in Asturias, the janas in León, and the lamias in Basque Country, the latter without the zoomorphic appearance."

As Braelyn explained Caroline's eyes widened and shifted from the older woman to the man who seemed to be observing her. "Your aura and appearance fit the general description" Braelyn sighed and looked at the girl "Your kind unknown to humans become immortal on their 17 birthday they stop ageing physically around 22".

 The blonde nodded and then asked, "Then what about my parents?" at this the two exchanged knowing looks "Not all those born of the bloodline inherit the gift they need to be deemed worthy" Neither could tell her that Bill had too much hatred in his heart to even qualify and if she got it from Liz well the woman had failed when she learned of vampires and assumed all were evil people.

Her judgemental mentality would have rendered her human and mortal a sad but true fate of their kind. Braelyn however was deciding naturally most fae blended into the crowd and lived their lives well. Caroline however would need training. She knew exactly what to do picking up the phone she called Liz.

"This is Elizabeth Forbes speaking" The curt yet polite tone and greeting were familiar to the witch after all this woman had hung up on her so many times. "Hi, it's Braelyn this is about Caroline" There was a pause and quiet before Liz gave a sound of interest "I got her into a program for broadcast journalism since she is interested in working in that field". Liz stood in her office with a small frown on her face at the fact Braelyn knew more about her daughter than her.

"It starts on Friday and ends on Monday it is in Washington so I was wondering if you would mind her absence".

Liz could not refuse as it would be over the weekend and Braelyn was doing this for her daughter "No I won't I doing over-the-weekend shifts she may go" Then she hung up. Braelyn Bennett was a dangerous woman to say no to and while Liz didn't know it her instincts had never allowed her to tell the girl no.

Caroline raised an eyebrow as Braelyn texted a few persons once she got confirmation a smile appeared on her face. Elion seemed to be reading over her shoulder and grinned widely "You are going to a broadcast journalism introduction program. And an Anjana opening ceremony".

The blonde looked at them with curiosity but nodded "I'll go home and pack" Braelyn looked at the girl for a few minutes before getting up and pouring some coffee into a cup and handing it over to her. "Drink"

She watched as the girl obediently drank a small smile appeared on the girl's face as she tilted Caroline's face up to her "Good girl, Elion thatha uthando iwam oluncinci uye ekhaya." The man's head snapped up and he grabbed his coat "He shall be taking you home" Caroline followed Elion outside as the older woman watched the girl leave a small smile on her face "So obedient, ethobekile"

The Forbes house was empty when Elion pulled up in front of it, Caroline turned to the man with a bright smile. "Thank you for dropping me home" Elion nodded and handed Caroline a box "A gift from Braelyn since she wasn't here for your birthday". He watched as the girl opened the box and gasped before slipping on the necklace the Bennett crest pendant glimmered in the darkness. 

He didn't tell Caroline about the spell on the piece of jewellery but watched as she admired it before biting her lip. "Elion," the man gave a small hum of an acknowledgement as the blonde tried to figure out how to phrase her question "What did Braelyn say to you before we left and what language was it?"

The man glanced at the girl and then looked ahead "That language use Xhosa as for what she said do not concern yourself with it". It was clear that the conversation was over giving the man a soft goodnight the girl slipped out of the car and dashed up the stairs and into the porch.

Elion watched after her and sighed "She has no idea what she is in for" Once the girl was safely inside, he drove off. Now would be the best time to visit his favourite stress reliever. 

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