Talking With Roxy And Chica

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After a few days of living at the Pizza Plex, and hanging out with Sun, and becoming friends with the other animatronics, my crush on Sun grew, and I decided to talk to Roxanne and Chica about it.
So the next day, I told Sun I was going to hang out with Roxy and Chica.
I walked to Roxy's room and asked her if I could bring Chica over. She agreed.

Small Time Skip

"So what did you want to talk about?" Chica asked.
"I wanted to talk to you guys because I need some advice." I replied.
"Advice for what? I give the best advice for everything." Roxy said.
"Well I have a crush." I said.
"Who!?" They both said at the same time.
"Is it Gregory? I remember that story you told us about him liking you." Chica asked.
"No it's not.... But you guys have to promise not to tell anyone." I said.
"Ok." They said at the same time again.
"It's Sun...." I said.
"You mean as in Sundrop?" Roxy asked.
I nodded.
"Awwww how cute!" Chica said.
"But I don't know what to do about it because I think he only sees me as a friend." I said.
"Well, you could be wrong. But in the mean time, try to get closer to him, try to make it known that you might like him." Roxy said.
"Yeah! And do nice things for him, it will surely win him over. Plus you're really pretty, so that doesn't hurt." Chica added.
"Ok thanks guys. I'll try." I said.
After talking with them some more, I left to go back to the daycare.

Sorry it was short buuuut.... It's better than nothing I guess? We'll see you in the next chapter. Byyyeeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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