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A few days later

I was in my room. It was just as the daycare was opening and I over heard Sun and Moon say something that shook my word.
"Do you love her?" I heard Moon say.
"No of course not! Why would I like her anymore?" Sun said.
"Just making sure."
"Why? Do you like her?"
"Ew no I hate her!"
"Good. Because that would be really bad."
"You're telling me."
After that they stopped talking.
I couldn't understand what I just heard. Who didn't they like? The only person I could think of was me. I slumped agents the door and fought back tears.

I was helping take care of the kids when one of them ran up to me.
"Y/N, Y/N!" They called.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I heard Sun doesn't like you anymore. He said he and Moon... Well..."
I felt like my world had just been hit by a nuclear bomb.
I had gotten along with this kid before and we had become friends and I told him how I liked Sun and Moon and they liked me since he kept asking who I liked. His name was Carson.
"T-they w-what?"
"Hate you...."
"I'm sorry Y/N."
"It's ok..." I said in a whisper. "You go play now bud."
He nodded and ran off and I walked over to a corner to compose myself.
They hate me? This just confirmed what heard. What did I do?

Hours later

I had been avoiding Sun and Moon like the plague the whole day.
When the daycare closed they walked up to me. I walked away.
"Sunshine?" Sun called.
I didn't answer.
Moon grabbed my arm gently.
"Carson told me something today." I said.
"Oh?" Sun said confused.
"Apparently you guys don't like me anymore."
"What?" Moon was so confused.
"Yeah. You hate me."
"Sunshine were on earth did that come from!"
"Yeah that is not true at all."
"I heard you guys talking this morning too."
"Oh um... That was uh..." Moon trailed off which just made the situation worse.
"I need to be alone." I said walking to my room and locking the door. Once I was on my bed I balled my eyes out.

About 20 minutes later there was a knock on my door.
"Sunshine please answer we need to talk to you."
"There's no need. I know you hate me."
"Starlight we need to talk." Moon's voice appeared.
I opened the door and they could emideitly tell I had been crying.
"Oh Sunshine...."
Sun went to hug me but I avoided him. He was hurt. Really hurt by that.
"Ok Sunshine look. The conversation that you heard was not about you. Moon had asked me if I still liked Roxanne."
If I thought about it it made more sense, but then I thought about what Carson had said and I felt tears start to sting my eyes.
"And Carson was one of the earlier kids so I'm only assuming he over heard it, thought what you thought, and told you." Sun continued.
"But... Why would you ask Moon if he liked Roxanne?" I asked.
"Because of the way he was asking me.. I don't know I was just making sure."
"Starlight I promise we don't hate you. We could never."
Hearing the seriousness in both of there voices made me feel like I could trust what they were saying and I brushed some tears away.
"I think I believe you." I said after a minute.
"You do?" Sun said, he sounded so relieved.
"And... I forgive you guys."
"Oh thank god." Moon said as if a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders.
Sun took the opportunity to hug me tightly. "We didn't mean to make you cry Sunshine."
"It's ok Sun."
After me and Sun were done hugging I hugged Moon. He emediatly hugged back. "I'm really sorry about that Starlight." He said.
"It's ok Moon."
After that, we all felt much better.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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