Moon's Meltdown

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A few days later

"Moon are you ok? You've been acting distant."
"I just feel nothing I do is enough. I feel like I give what's left of me even though there's nothing left, and then it feels like the universe just wants me dead, and then I start to build up walls to hide how hard everything is on me, but then everyone thinks I'm growing distant. But no matter what I do there's still a pain in me, and then I just keep working ending up in overworking myself. And I'm not trying to be perfect, I'm just trying to be worth it!"
"I try to be enough for you, and for Sun, and it's all too much!" He looks at me, "Am I losing my mind?!"
"No, no you're not loosing your mind Moon, you're just stressed. I get it, and I can help you through it if you want me to."
"Sometimes I just feel like I'm wasting my time. Because even though you explained it to me, I remind you of, of him...."
My eyes widen and reach out to put my hand on his shoulder.
"I don't want to give up, but..."
"Moon we'll get through this ok?"
"I thought I could take it, but the stress and pressure is just growing-"
He wasn't listening to what I was saying. He was having a full on anxiety attack.
"Hey, hey, hey, listen to me..." I gently turned him to face me.
"Am I not good enough?"
I pulled him close, and raped my arms around him.
"Everyone has there braking points Moon... You know a few days ago I helped Sun with this. But I'm here for you Moon. You are definitely enough. You just need to step back and relax. But do you really feel like you're wasting your time?"
"Sometimes.... But it doesn't mean I don't like you.. I just..."
"Moon I will keep telling you this: I love you, you're perfect the way you are, we all need to take breaks, you're enough."
"I feel like I keep breaking down. I'm always crying around you."
"I used to do that too remember? And it's ok. I don't mind. I know you try to be tough, and you are, but you push yourself too hard sometimes."
"You don't understand how much you mean to me."
"You mean a lot to me too Moon."
We hugged for a while more.
"Do you want to go to the fazcade with me and Sun? Maybe that can get your mind off of things and help you have fun?"
"Sure. I'd like that."

We were all having fun, laughing, and teasing each other. It was just what we needed.

Moon's POV

She means so much to me. She really does. And so does my brother. And I want to keep them safe, but there's something happening to me. I don't want to tell Starlight yet. After everything that's already happened, I don't want to worry her or stress her out anymore. But I will have to tell Sun soon.

You're POV

When we were done, we went back to the daycare.
I got ready for bed, and decided to sleep in-between them.

Hiiii, so I hope this story hasn't turned too dramatic. I just get so many dramatic ideas, and I want to put them all in. But I hope you guys enjoyed them so far. Byeeeeeeee

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