11 | 𝘚𝘤𝘰𝘧𝘧

567 11 4

I got out of the shower, my wet hair dripping down to my white towel wrapped around my body.

Foggy mirror and everything soggy. This was the stuff. A place where It can be peaceful in its on way.

A place where I can stay for hours and never get tired of just sitting right on top of the cover toilet. No problems, just peace.

I close my eyes leaning back to the wall as I get myself in a comfortable position.

I hear a sound creek. It was probably the pipe but why is it a bit chilly on my legs?

I frown at the sudden feeling of the cold temperature.

"What are you doing?"

I jump up my feet my eyes widen landing on a slippery floor I tried grabbing something to keep me from falling but failed.



I rub my butt feeling the pain from landing too hard on the tile floor.

This is not what I had imagine one of my peace session could go.

I raise myself off the floor before pointing at the door saying "LEAVE!" I panicked.

I must have been too focus for him to get out that my towel unexpectedly left my body.


We both looked at each other our eyes wide, I could feel my eyes pop out.

My position was still the get-out pose like a statue.


I am way too exposed right now like an inside of a mangosteen, a very pale one.

I feel like jumping off a cliff if I was given an options just not go through this RIGHT NOW!Also, did HE just scanned me from head-to-toe?!

The audacity to take his time to study my body like I was a book then look back at me before gulping.

"Yo Luke, you done? I really need to take a piss right now." It was Leo, he was headed this way.

Wait. Here?! The terror on my face played, looking at the door hoping he doesn't come before I cover myself up.

I look at Luke who quickly look away and that was my queue to grab the towel on the floor before wrapping myself with it.

Luke blocked the door before Leo could see anything inside.

"What?" his deep and husky voice spoke out sounding irritated.

I couldn't see anything but I wanted him to fucking leave so I can go back to my room and change.

"Good your done, let me use-" Leo was about to come in but Luke blocked his way.

His hand gripping on the door frame like his veins about to burst.

"Go use the bathroom downstairs." he demands.

"Jax is taking so long dude, he's probably taking a shit, why can't I use this bathroom?" Leo complained.

"I don't care. Go back downstairs." Luke closed the door behind him and I was left there speechless.

I could hear their footsteps slowly fading away. Everything was happening so fast my thoughts still processing of what had just happened.

Luke coming in here seeing me like I was passed out but rather looked very comfortable than dead. Falling on my butt hard on the cold floor, then my towel dropping right in front of him not doing anything because I couldn't move and the fact that he took his time EXAMINING every part of me.

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