Chapter 3

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"Aww Marlon that's so sweet of you!" I said giving him a kinda awkward side hug. The day went on and before 5th period I stopped by my locker and ran into Jacob. He kind of startled me and because he came up behind me and wrapped me in his arms.

M=Megan, J=Jacob

J: Hey babe! What are you up to?

M: Hey! Nothing just getting my math book.

J: So your not busy?

M: No I guess not but...

Was all I could say before he crashed his lips against mine. He started making the kiss more heated. As I tried to push him because he was taking it a tad to far by putting his hand up my shirt and taking hold of my bra clasp. The more I struggled he pulled me closer and held me tighter, the using his other hand he put it right on my butt. At this point I was pushing but he was too strong. He pulled me so close I could fell him breathing against my chest. After he squeezed my bum, I felt him harden against my thigh. It finally went too far. I pushed as hard as I possibly could and he let go. He looked really mad that I just did that but I didn't care. "What was that for?" Jacob yelled. "You were going to far! I know we have been dating for 2 years but it should happen when we're at one of our houses not at school." I yelled right back. "Yeah about us dating." He said looking down at his feet. "What about it?" I asked really confused.

J: We should break up.

M: So when you try and take advantage of me and I don't let you. You decide to dump me!

J: That's not the only reason.

M: Then tell me the reason.

J: I slept with Maddy.


J: I just...

M: Save it!!! You slept with the school SLUT! Because I wouldn't sleep with you! That's really low!

I said just as I broke down.


M: Marlon where did you come from. I said right after I slid down the lockers crying.

Ma: How dare you break her heart!!

Marlon then pushed Jacob up against the lockers and punched him. I was startled when Marlon wouldn't stop after one punch. I knew at that point I had to get up and stop him.

"Marlon stop I already lost Dustin today 2 years ago I can't loose you too. Please stop Marlon." I touched his back and he turned around probably thinking I was one of Jacob's friends because he clenched his fist that made me jump.

Ma: Megan I'm sorry! I would never hit a girl especially you.

M: It's ok I forgive you, but only if you stop!

Ma: Fine I'll stop. Only for you. Not for that lowlife.

Tears are still falling down my face and I probably look terrible.

Ma: Please don't cry Megan.

M: Sorry. *sniff*

Marlon then wiped the stray tears that streamed down my face. He called my mom to come and pick me up from school. He stayed with me till my mom came and got me. She picked me up and took me home she had to go back to work so she left me at home. I stayed in my room and I was on my bed still upset about what happened today. I saw something from the corner of my eye. I also smelled a familiar cologne. It was Dustin's but he wasn't here nobody was in my room or my house. I went back to my room and smelled it again and I saw a shadow in my door frame. I looked... No one was there. "Hello?" I said to see if any one would answer me. "Hello" I heard a voice that kind of startled me. "Who's there?" I said asking for another reply. "It's me Dustin." My tv flickered and then went out and I saw Dustin. "Sorry I turned off your tv. I had to get energy from somewhere but the light." He said with a laugh. "It's ok." I said shaking as he walked closer. "Don't be afraid. It's just me." He said trying to comfort me. "I know but you passed away 2 years ago." I told him even though he obviously already knew that. "Yeah but I was put as your new guardian angel so..." Then he disappeared. "So what?" I said being really confused. Then someone ran in my room that made me scream. "Marlon what are you doing here? How did you get in?" I said curiously. "I came to see how you were doing then i heard you yell. I have a spear key your mom gave me this morning." Marlon stated. "So why did you yell?" Marlon asked. "I know your going to think I'm crazy but I think I saw Dustin." I said trying not to sound crazy but I don't think anything can make that sentence not sound crazy. "Wow. Um... I don't know what to say but..." He was interrupted by a voice saying "She's not crazy." "What was that?" Marlon said startled. "Me Dustin" he replied.

A/N: Please vote! And leave me feed back.

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