Chapter 16

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Marlon's POV

"Well looks like you are pregnant babe." I said as I pulled her into a hug. She was so stiff like she was in shock. I was getting worried when I heard a little whisper almost in audible. "Yeah. I guess I am."


Megan's POV

Marlon and I went to the doctors today. We found out the sex of the baby!


Both me and Marlon wanted a boy really bad but we would still be happy if it was a girl. Marlon and I did keep the baby we found out when there was a month and a half left of school. Nobody knew except our friends who we told. I only 4 months pregnant and it looks like I'm really 6 months. Both of our parents were happy about the baby! They were even happier knowing we still graduated high school and will be going to College!


I'm now 7 months pregnant! I am so big and I look 8 months pregnant. Me and Marlon are great and the baby is healthy. Our baby boy is supposed to be born on July 14th. Marlon let me decide the baby's name. I already know it but I'm keeping it a surprise till he is born.


July 14th- 10 o'clock

I woke up in Marlon's arms around my baby bump. I'm so excited my baby is going to be born today. "Babe our baby is going to be born today! Hopefully!!" I said loudly but quiet enough not to wake his parents up. "I know I'm so excited!" He said in the same tone and volume I did.


12 o'clock

My water just broke and we are on our way to the hospital. My contractions are 5 minutes apart and they really hurt!


We got to the hospital in 10 minutes. I'm in my hospital bed and the doctor came in around 5 minutes ago and said I'm going to need to push when he gets back. "Okay, Megan your going to have to push now." She said as she walked back in my room. I just nodded and when she got in front of me I pushed.


I'm all sweaty and gross. I need a shower. I'm going to take one after I hold my baby. "Here you go Megan you can hold him now that he is all clean." My doctor said in her really sweet tone of voice. Marlon came closer to me and kissed my forehead. "What's his name going to be babe?" Marlon asked me. I looked up at him then back down at my baby's cute little face and smiled. "I was thinking Dustin!" As I spoke I looked at Marlon when I said 'Dustin'. Marlon smiled and nodded. "I love it!" He said in a hushed tone. As I was looking at Dustin, Marlon had gone over to his jacket and gotten something out of it. When I looked up to find Marlon I noticed he was on one knee and had a small black box in his hand. I gasped right before he spoke. "Megan I Love you with all my heart! Will you do me the incredible honor and Marry Me?" All I could do at this moment was nod. And within a second of me nodding the nurse came and took Dustin out of my arms. I jumped up on my knees on the hospital bed and Marlon stood up. We wrapped our arms around each other. And he put the beautiful ring on my finger. I looked down at it as Marlon spoke. "Do you like it?" I quickly responded with myself in complete awe. "I LOVE it. It's BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you." With that said we hugged again and shared a romantic Kiss!


It is mine and Marlon's 3 year Wedding anniversary! We moved into an apartment. Marlon and i both graduated college last month! Wooo Hooo! No More School for us!! Dustin is now 4 and talks nonstop. He started preschool last year. I'm so proud of him because he learns so quickly. His name fits perfectly because with something's he does it reminds me of Dustin.

9 o'clock

I woke up on August 15th with my Loving Husbands arms wrapped around me! I could hear Dustin faintly talking so I shot up. I accidentally woke a very confused Marlon up. "Babe wha...." He started. "Shhhh! Dustin's talking to someone be right back." And with that I was out our bedroom door. As I was about to open the door I heard another voice say they had to go because I was going in the room. With that I quickly opened the door. Nobody was in there with Dustin. "Who we're you talking to sweetheart?" I asked looking all around the room. "I was talking to uncle Dustin! Thats who I was named after! Huh mom?" He said in his cute little boy voice. I automatically knew that he was talking to Dustin. It kind of scared me but I knew Dustin would never let something happen to my son. So I just smiled and spoke. "Yeah it is."


7:30 pm

Marlon took me out to dinner for our anniversary. We also took Dustin. We could have found a baby sitter but he wasn't a very big hassle for us.



Marlon took us to the beach after dinner and we walked on the beach and on the pier. Before we went to the car we sat down on the sand and just looked at the water for a bit. I leaned my head on Marlon's shoulder and he kissed my forehead as Dustin sat down on my lap. He was probably tired he had ran around a lot today. I looked up at Marlon and we kissed it wasn't too long but it was sweet romantic and full of LOVE. I knew at that moment just like I said on my wedding day. I have found.......................................................MY SOUL MATE!!!!

A/N: So that's the last chapter! I'm sad it's over but I will be writing a new story and I hope you guys will like that book too! Thanks for reading Hope you enjoyed reading this book because I know I loved writing it! Please Vote, Comment, and Add! Thanks Love you all! See you in my next book!!

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