Chapter 5

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I pulled away after kissing him again and whispered back. "I love you too Marlon!" The movie was near the end and I slowly drifted off.

Marlon's POV

The movie ended and I noticed Megan fell asleep against my chest. I couldn't help but smile. This girl could finally be mine. I have had a crush on her when we were in 7th grade. It broke my heart when she hooked up with that fucking asshole. I always knew he was going to try every thing to get in her pants. I knew that Dustin had a crush on her too. So if she took either of us then I would know she was with someone that wanted her for her not just for sex. It just wasn't fair for her. He was such an ass. It broke her heart when Dustin died I was there for and so was her family but not her boyfriend. He should have been comforting her more than me. I picked her up and brought her to her bed. As I was walking out to leave her for a good nights rest. When I heard he beautiful sleepy voice. "Marlon wait."

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Will you stay with me. I don't want to be alone." She said with a cute smile forming on her face. "Yeah. Of course I will." I said with a smile forming on my face too. "Thanks" she said as I got in her bed. As I got under the covers she cuddled up to me. She put her arm over my chest and snuggled really close and I enjoyed every second of it. I put my arm around her and rested my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me and pushed herself up so we were face to face. She kissed me from lips to my cheek. She never failed to put a smile on my face. She doesn't have to try, she has such an affect on me. When she stopped I lifted my head up to kiss her back. I went from her lips down to her neck. I must have hit her soft spot on her neck because she moaned. I love the affect I had on her. I wanted to see if I did so I kissed her in the same spot again. She moaned my name this time. She realized what she did and smiled with lust in her eyes and she pulled me down from resting on my hands above her. Right as our lips touched she put her arms around my neck and pulled me to her as close as physically possible. As much as I loved being this close with her I had to stop her from doing something she might regret. I decided to tickle her because I knew she would immediately stop if I did. I proceeded to tickle her and she started cracking up. I love her laugh it was so contagious! I couldn't help but laugh too. "Why did you stop kissing me?" She questioned in between chuckles. "I didn't want you to do something you might regret." I told her. "Why would I regret doing anything with you?" She said with the lust starting to show again in her eyes. "I just...." I was interrupted by Megan pulling me down again.

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