Chapter 7

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Marlon's POV

I woke up at like 6 in the morning with my beautiful girlfriend still asleep. I looked at her and smiled. Dustin popped in my head and I thought about yesterday I have to tell him thank you.

I whispered out loud. "Thanks Dustin!" I felt Megan intertwine our legs like Dustin had her do that to show him saying.

'Your Welcome.' I slowly fell back asleep with it being so early in the morning for a Saturday.

Megan's POV

I woke up at 9:30 the next morning. Marlon was still asleep. I moved his arm carefully so I didn't wake him up. I put my underwear back on then put his shirt over my body. His shirt covered me to mid thigh.

I looked at my phone and saw a txt from my mom. It said 'I wont be home till around 5 tomorrow I had to stay at a hotel because i didnt want to come home to late then I have to go back to work even though its Saturday. I will try and come home right when I get off.'

I thought about it and got happy that I have my house all to me and Marlon. I then went downstairs to make both of us breakfast. I made pancakes. I was pouring the orange juice when Marlon came up behind me and made me jump because I was startled.

I turned around still in his arms and kissed him. He released me from his grip so I could put the juice away.

We finished breakfast in around 30 minutes.

We then sat on the couch and watched Valentine's Day. We both really liked this movie. Then we watched The Blindside. After it ended we were hungry so we went to subway and shared a foot long to eat. When we got home we went in my room to just sit around and talk. It was 4 so we had around an hour till my mom got home.

We were sitting on my bed and I was on Marlon's lap. I had my husky come in my room and she sat with us. I rested me head on Marlon's shoulder and me eyes landed on a red mark on his neck. I started smiling then I let out a small laugh thinking of the memories we made last night. "What?" Marlon asked confused and his eyes widened as my neck was kind of showing. He put his hand over a spot on my neck and gasped. "What?" I asked back.

"Y... you have a... I gave you a.. there's a hickey on your neck." "Shit!! Also you have one too." I yelled knowing I could get in trouble I know I'm 17 but my mom probably wouldn't be very happy that I have a hickey. "Shit!!" He cursed too. I can cover it with my hair and makeup but he can't.

"Maybe our parents won't be as made because they trust us." He stated. "Yeah but they might not trust us as much anymore." I said as a matter of factly.

It was now 5 and I decided "We should just tell them the truth. They might take that better. Right?" "Right." He responded. My mom came in right as we were walking out into the living room. "Mom! We have to talk to you." I called to her. She came and sat next to us holding hands on the couch. I took a deep breath but just as I was about to speak I was interrupted by my mom.

"O MY GOD YOUR NOT PREGNANT ARE YOU!" She yelled terrified.

"No No No!!" Both me and Marlon said frantically.

My mom calmed back down after we said that.

"What we have to tell you is..... Marlon and me... both gave each other..... hickeys." As I said the last word I put my head down looking at my hands.

"That's all you had to tell me." My mom asked. "Yeah?" I asked confused at how calm she was.

"That's not that bad and at least it wasn't that little fucker that is now your ex boyfriend."

"Yeah about boyfriends. Marlon is my boyfriend now." I said happier she didn't flip as bad as I thought she would have. "Yay! You guys are so much better than you and Jacob. I also trust Marlon." She said.

"Yep I trust him more too." As I spoke I looked at Marlon. "Well thanks for taking that ok mom." I said getting up.

"Yeah he is just lucky I know him so well. And his mom because I know that if he got a girl especially you pregnant she would chop his little buddy off." "Yeah? Well we have to go tell his parents now. So bye mom." I said walking down the hall to the door.

"Bye!" she said right before I closed the door.

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