First 'Real' Film: Office Affair

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T R E V O N •

I'm stressed as fuck.

I'm already at the office building, doing preproduction, making sure everything is right for this shoot.

There's a lot of unknowns happening with this project and it's all riding on me.

I was trying to be optimistic, but my impostor syndrome was taking over my mind telling me this was about to go to shit.

As well as...I haven't done a film in about two years.

I stopped when I really started taking my directing seriously. I'll admit that filming was nice, and I had a talent, but as the years went by my focus changed.

I wanted to leave that part behind me especially considering how I came into it.

I wanted to give people a safe space to do this kind of work. It's why me and Megan started the company. We've both been victims of the terrible things that happened in this industry, particularly with the fact that we are both queer. They really do us dirty.

We both put being in front of the camera behind us, but here I am.

I'm nervous about it. What if I get a bad perception this time?

I have to push these negative thoughts to the side and focus.

Just focus Trevon.

Focus on something Malik's sexy ass for example.

A smile was brought to my face, but it left when I realized Malik still wasn't here. I hope he's not flaking out. I hoped he would tell me if he didn't want to do it anymore.

Maybe I shouldn't have kissed him yesterday, but it seemed like he wanted it too—maybe he's feeling the way he felt after my birthday.

My head dropped onto my desk thinking about everything. I took a deep breath in and out trying to alleviate my anxiety.

"Tre," Megan walked in. "You good?" I popped my head up from my desk, giving her a fake smile.

"Yeah, I'm aight,"

She rolled her eyes, "Stop lyin' ta me, but we'll talk about that in a second. Malik is on the phone, he said he tried ta call you, but you wouldn't answer, but I told him you was runnin' around like a chicken wit they head cut off," she laughed, and I felt a least a little bit of relief.

She handed me the phone, Malik was on Facetime, driving, with his phone propped up behind his steering wheel. A small smile was brought to my face. He's so cute.

"Tre, don't get mad, but Imma be a luh late," he spoke making my face turn into a frown. "My PO called sayin' I need ta come in fa a drug test. I shouldn't be thur no more than thirty minutes after call time," he sounded like he was reassuring me, but now I was worried about something else.

"Wait, Malik, we was just smokin' yesterday,"

"Oh my god, so Malik is about to get locked up," Megan sighed, shaking her head while speaking my mind. I could feel my heart pumping with anxiety now.

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