CHAPTER III - 'A girls-night-out'

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The case kept us entertained for the day, but we were home before dinnertime. That's when I remembered that I had to be at the pool at 9. "Sherl, one of my old friends has invited me to go for drinks tonight, so I'll grab some food on the way if that's okay with you?" 

Sherlock answered from the other room. "Sure, take my card."

"Thanks, there's food in the frigde if you'd like. It lasagne, you'll only have to warm it up a bit in the mirco-" silence. "Sherlock, why is there a head in our microwave?"




I checked my phone: 8.30PM. He should be here soon, if it was even a he, maybe it was a woman. That'd be fun. I normally wasn't the type to sweat while I was stressed, but my leather trousers and satin blouse and  the pool air, thick with the smell of chlorine, surely didn't help that right now. My hands were clammy and I could feel the cold handle of my gun that was wedged behind my belt poke against my lower back. I had to admit, I was nervous. 

Suddenly, 30 minutes too early, the door in front of me opened. A wave of cold and a shiver down my spine followed with a wave of heat came over me. A sillhouete in the doorway, that of a men's, barely 3 inches smaller then me. His frame slender, yet his suit contrasted just the right amount of muscle. He whistled as he approached, stepping just enough into the light so I could see his black hair, that was slick back, and the rest of him little bit clearer. 

"The whistleing murderer." I concluded out loud. 

"I hadn't expected a woman like you to show up." His voice was thick with an scottisch accent. A sharp edge in the tone of his high pitched voice.

"I expected you to be taller, so it seems like we're both dissapointed." I snapped back without thinking twice.

"Oh no, I'm far from dissapointed." He stepped out further into the light. I could fully see him now. His dark blue suit, his black hair, his brown eyes and his hands in his pockets. As he stepped closer, I could sniff the heavy smell of Tabacco mixed with vanilla and musk. I recognised it, Tom Ford, Tabacco Vanilla, Mycroft wore it sometimes. This man was rich.  "Jim Moriarity." He introduced himself. "What's your name sweetheart?"

"Lauraine Holmes."

"Oohh.. I didn't know that the Holmes' had another sister." He seemed geniuently taken by suprise.

"By marriage." I corrected.

"Even better! I would have liked to be there at the reception."

"Didn't have one, it's unnecessery."

"Which one?"

"I'll let you guess. Much more fun."

"Me." I heard a growl behind me. I recognized the voice in an instant. Sherlock.

"Ah, the infamous Sherlock Holmes. I must say, I wouldn't have expected you to have such a ravishing girl."

Sherlock protectantly stepped out in front of me, reaching his arm across my chest pulling me behind him as he kept his eyes darted towards Moriarity. "You can murder around all you want, be my guest, but you keep your hands off my wife."

"Oh but she came to me." Moriarity taunted, a smirk across his face and his eyes focussed on me. Sherlock instantly turned to my, his bright blue eyes meeting mine. "Hold up. Sherl, hold my morals. I have some sketchy shit to take care of." I said as I walked out from behind Sherlock, reaching for the gun hidden behind my back. 

"Oh kitten, you have no idea where you're involving yourself in. Have you?" Moriarity taunted.

"Oh shut up with the pet names, I wear bigger heels than your dick."

A look of anger crossed his features.  ''First of all, I always get what I want and I want you. So don't even try to work against me, you know what will happen otherwise, I'll skin you.''

"Lauraine stop." Sherlock tried.

"You can threaten me all you want, but we both know that you'd be better off to keep on dreaming."

Just then, a loud bang. The door on the other side of the pool banged open and a sea of shouts filled the room as a couple of men with semi-automatic weapons stormed in, behind them was a man walking with an umbrella by his side: Mycroft, my brother in law. In the time that I had taken to look over to Mycroft, Jim had already dissapeared into the halls, Mycroft's men now chasing after him. 

"Oh come on Myc, I had everything under control!"

"No you did not." Sherlock opposed from behind me.

"Yes I did, until you stormed in." I argumented as I swung around to Sherlock. 


"Sister, you can't go around and snoop into Sherlocks cases. It's dangerous!" 

Mycrofts eyes were determined, piercing into mine. He was always serious, but this time was different. 

"I really don't get what all the fuzz is about Myc, I'm alive, Sherlock's alive, everyone's alive!"

"But we still have Moriarity on the loose, and now that he knows about you-"

"He's coming after me, yeah, boring." I interrupted.

Mycroft glared at me: "This is no joke Lauraine, he's a criminal. People have died!"

"That's what people do, Mycroft."

"Yes, but not you. We can't loose you, Sherlock can't loose you, Misses Hudson can't loose you..."

"You should try a carreer as emotional speecher, it suits you."

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