CHAPTER X - The end of the line

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My eyes opened and I blinked several times, then grimaced and maked a pained noise. Lifting my head from the bed I had been lying on. I could faintly see , Mycroft leaning back against a grey-panelled wall, the top button of his shirt undone above his slightly loosened tie. Sherlock, who was recently pacing around, now turned to me. "How are you?"

"Bit of a lump."

"True dat, but you have your uses." And with that Sherlock continued pacing around.

I looked around the room, it was identical to the cell which I remembered Eurus to be in. We'll not completely identical, this time it was real glass in the front wall, and the large light in the ceiling was a bright white, not green. I had prefered it to be green though. I could see the Governor sitting on the floor with his back against the wall of the other side of the room. Then my eyes travelled to Mycroft, who was at the right side of the cell. As I sat up on the side of the bed, and asked. "Did you see your sister?"


"How was that?" I asked, putting my hand to my head. Got this headache was killing me. I could hear Sherlock pull in a long and sharp breath before he replied. "Family's always difficult."

"Is this an occasion for banter?" Mycroft asked exasperated, his eyes darting towards me and Sherlock. '

"Mm, case in point." Sherlock replied, gesturing towards Mycroft.

"What is he doing here?" I asked, turning my eyes towards the governor who was still seated in the same place that he was when I woke up. He hadn't moved an inch.

"As he is told." Sherlock replied.

"As he is told?"

Sherlock stopped pacing and turned to me. "Eurus is in control."

I sighed heavily. "This is bad, isn't it."

Suddenly, the voice of a man rang through the speakers and a face appeared on the TV on the other side of the room and the lights went a bright red. "Hello. My name's Jim Moriarty." My eyes opened wide, instantly, I looked across to Sherlock. Mycroft sighed heavily.

"Welcome ... to the final problem."

The lights flickered a sharp white again, and the TV screen went black.

"It's okay. He's not here." Sherlock tried to calm us as he faced me.

"He doesn't sound not here." I mocked.

The lights turned red again. "This is a recorded announcement." Moriarity's voice rang through the speakers. The lights immediately turned white again.

"Okay he's not here."

On the large TV screen, the image of pouring water briefly appeared and then it revolved to live footage of Eurus, who was smiling into the camera.

"Oh dear. There they are, the two, oh wait, three Holmes' and the governor. By the way, hi newly wed sis!"

Everyone turned around at the sound, I rolled my eyes. Mycroft paced towards the glass. "How have you done this? How is any of this possible?"

Eurus was no longer smiling, and suddenly anger was terribly visible in her eyes. "You put me here, Mycroft. You brought me my treats."

Sherlock turned to Mycroft. "What treats?"

In response to his question, Mycroft turned his head towards me and pressed his lips together a little. From out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sherlock frown and look around at Mycroft. Suddenly, the lights turned red again, Moriarity's face appeared on the screen in close-up.

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