CHAPTER VII - Straw, again.

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"And what now? Are you going to kill me just like you did that man back there?!" I yelled through the main hall of Moriarity's mansion. He sat in his chair across from me, staring at me while I paced through the room. "I can't do this anymore. I'm done playing this game!" I paced towards the door, which led to the hallway leading to the front door.

"I told you what would happen if you try to leave me." He threatened.

"Don't for a second think, that I am scared of you."

"Oh no, not you mrs.Holmes. Think."

My thoughts immediately turned to Sherlock, who was probably as freaked out as me right now. If I dared to leave, would Moriarity hunt him down too? Or had he already taken him hostage, when he drugged him back in the alley?

"Don' Leave him out of this!" I yelled as I gazed over at Moriarity, slowly walking towards him.

"You don't get a say in this." Moriarity rose from his chair and came my way too. "So, I suggest you keep down low, and just do as simple as listen to me kitten."

"I will never, ever again, listen to you."

Moriarity was just inches away from me, and as he grabbed my arm harshly and held it tight, he brought his face closer to mine. As our lips touched and I almost threw up because of the wrong feeling in my gut and the guilt towards Sherlock, and as I could taste the mixture of sweet mint and wine on my lips, I felt myself slip off into the unknown. Just then did it make sense. He used some kind of drug on his own lips, and when he kissed me he intoxicated me with it. 

I fell limp into his arms, and suprisingly he caught me before I hit the stone cold, tile floor. I couldn't move, but I was concious for a few more second when I could feel my body pressed into his chest, streched out in his arms and just then my head tilted back and I gave up fighting.


When I woke, it took me only a few seconds to realize that I was tied up in the basement again. I could feel a warm, tacky sensation travel down my forehead. Had he hit me?  The blazer that I previously had been wearing was no longer resting on my shoulders, it was nowhere to be found. I was freezing. 

The tin layer of straw beneath me no longer was soft, and the little single pieces of straw stuck into my legs made everything worse. I was still bothering myself over what I had been hit with, because my head hurt like hell and tears were practically streaming down my face as a response of my body to all the pain I was actually in. I hoped that this would be the worst thing that would happen to me, but of course, I was still in Morairity's property, so I prepared for the worst. He was a manipulative, sadistic man after all. I had encountered his moodswings before, one moment he yelled at me, the other he kissed me. Which was to drug me of course but you get what I mean. 

It wasn't long before I could hear footsteps coming my way. It wasn't one pair though, it were two pairs. For a moment, I hoped it would be Sherlock and Mycroft, but I knew better than that. These weren't Sherlock's footsteps, they were Moriarity's, accompanied by another man. As they turned the corner, I could see the other man standing next to him. He was taller than Moriarity, taller than me even. 

"Morning princess." Moriarity's eyes were fixed on me as I angrily glared at him. "How long have I been out?"


"What is he here for?" I asked, motioning towards the man that was standing next to him.

"Entertainment purposes."

"Of course." I mumbled under my breath as I rolled my eyes at him, returning my gaze to the other side of the room, ignoring Moriarity in complete. I knew he loved the attention, so I decided to take that away from him. "I warned you what would happen if you show me an attitude like that, haven't I?"

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