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A minute or two later, the Chief Superintendant walked out onto the street, holding a handkerchief to his bleeding nose. "You alright sir?" I could hear a random officer call out, but to be honest I was more focussed on the fact that I was being slammed up against the police car, next to Sherlock, to his left. Sherlock looked across to me, with an amused expression on his face. "Joining me?" He asked smugly.

"Yeah. Apparently, it's against the law to chin the Chief Superintendant." I smirked across to Sherlock. 

"That's my girl." I smiled at that, smiled like a fool. God, this was definetly a perk of having married him.

Behind us, a couple of armed officers unlocked the cuff on Sherlock's right hand and transfered it to my right wrist, chaining us up together. Sherlock looked over his shoulder, watchign what the officers are doing and where they're standing. He looke down at the radio lying on the dashboard of the car that we were pushed up against. The radio squealed as the dispatcher spoke. "All units to two-seven." 

Sherlock made eyecontact, and at the exact moment that I nodded, Sherlock rapidly reached through the open window of the car with his free hand and pressed down on the talk button. Instantly, the officers behind us doubled over in pain and grabbed their earpieces when a high-pitched squeel of feedback ripped through. Sherlock reached behind him and pulled the officer's pistol free from the holster, instantly raising it. Sherlock called out as he aimed the gun towards the nearest officers. "Ladies and gentlemen, will you all please get on your knees?"

Nearby, Lestrade whole body language said, 'Oh, FFS...'. When nobody reacted very quickly, Sherlock raised the gun skywards and fired twice. "NOW would be good!"

"Do as he says!" Lestrade called out, remaining eyecontact with me. I lifted one of my eyebrows and one of the corners of my mouth, mocking him. He gestured everybody downwards and all the police start to kneel. Sherlock started to back away, I followed his lead. We made eyecontact for a split second before Sherlock transfered the pistol to his right hand and promptly aimed it at my head. "My hostage!"

"Damn you look hot with a gun in hand." I whispered under my breath.

"Down girl." Sherlock whispered bacl as we continued to back away from the kneeling police. Carefully, we backed aroud the corner. "So what now?" I asked.

"Doing what Moriarty wants – I'm becoming a fugitive. Run." Sherlock said and he began to race off down the road, dragging me along with him. Sherlock looped the loose chain between our handcuffs around his wrist. "Take my hand."

"Now people will definetly talk." I called out to him, taking his hand as we raced onwards. 

"You are wearing my ring, Lauraine."


As sirens closed in at the junction ahead of us, Sherlock swerved to his left. He hoved me down the alleyway and into the wall. "Just one kiss? You look too handsome." I asked. I recieved my kiss, and then we ran on. We reached high railing blocking our way. Sherlock leaped up onto the top of a dustbin and vaulted straight over the top of the railing. "Sherlock! Wait! My knees can't take this kind of jump." I said, hurled up on top of the railings. Hypermobility Syndrome my ass. "Jump!"


"Jump! I'll catch you!" He repeated. I took a big leap off the railing, and somewhat clumsy landed in his arms. Within seconds we were running down the alley gain. As we reached a T-junction, Sherlock turned to the right, then he immediately braked as ducked back again as a sirening police car raced past the end of the alley. The two of us leaned side by side against the wall, catching our breath for a moment. "For fucks sake, I'm wearing fucking heels!" 

"Everybody wants to believe it – that's what makes it so clever.  A lie that's preferable to the truth.  All my brilliant deductions were just a sham. No-one feels inadequate – Sherlock Holmes is just an ordinary man." Sherlock said, hsi voice bitter.

"What about Myc? He could help us?" I tried.

" A big family reconciliation? Now's not really the moment."

"Look, I get the whole silbin rivalty thing, but I do prefer to live. And seeing as we're chained together, if I go left, you will have to go left too so technically if I go to him, you'll follow."

"I'm stronger." Sherlock opposed.

"Try me." And with that I sprinted off to the left, Sherlock immediately halted and it was like I was runnign against a wall as I was pulled back. "Sher!" I yelled as I crashed into him due to the force that I was pulled back with. "This isn't working."

"Did you do your hair up with hairpins this morning?" Sherlock asked. I looked at him confused and offended at the same time. "Wha- Yes. But now isn't really the time for teatalk!" I fell silent, and then I realised. "Ah-." I reached up with my free hand and pulled one of the hairpins out, letting my hair fall free. 

I reached down to our cuffs, and used the hairpin to pick the lock on our handcuffs. It took me only a matter of seconds to free us both. "And now what?" I asked.

"We go separate ways."

"Pardon? We're being chased down, and you want to split up?!"

"You contact Mycroft, I get to John and we contact each other later, when we've both made it to safety."

"And that is a smart plan, HOW, exactly?"

"We'll have a little network to help us out."

I sighed. "You've got a point there." 

Sherlock pulled me in by my waist and passionately kissed my lips. "See you soon, darling."

"I love you smartass!" I yelled as I sprinted off. As I ran down the streets, I desperately looked for my phone in my pocket, and when I finally got a hold of it, I turned into the first alley I could find and dailed Mycrofts number. Luckily, he picked up. "Lauraine, you know what I said about calling when I'm at wo-"

"Mycroft cut the crap, I need your help. Now!"

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