CHAPTER VI - Housewarming Party

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The footsteps continued to come closer, and while I had been perfectly able to recognize footsteps before, I couldn't recognize those. That was until I heard a voice echoing through the hallway. "You know, people donate their body's to sience; I think cannibals would be much more greatful."

My mind started racing. I knew I had been dancing on the edge of a cliff coming in contact with Jim Moriarity, but I hadn't expected this. Far from this actually. He turned the corner, his hands in his pockets. "There she is, our female, little Holmes."

I wanted to talk back, but until now, I had always forgotten that he was actually a king. He owned everything. He had people everywhere, there wasn't a thing you could do to him that would stop him. Because he couldn't be stopped. He's above all, above the law, above the crime, above the world. So why was I shocked when I realised? And why was I shocked when he was standing before me now? And why wasn't I shocked when I talked back after all? After all I figured out, after all I knew. My darkness danced with his on the edge of each-other's night.

"I can't believe you've done this."

"What? Kidnap you?" There was a giggle noticable in his voice, mocking me under his breath. 

"No, not the kidnapping. The fact that you messed up my hair. And my shirt of course."

The grin on his face faded as I started smirking. He thought he was one step ahead of me, boy was he wrong. He stepped closer, and as he did, he pulled a gun out of his pocket.

For a moment, my life flashed before my eyes. My eyes desperately wanting to dart across the room for a way to escape this situation. However, to the eye, I remained calm. I calmly looked at it, never letting my smirk down, never losing track of his eyes as he reached down and came even closer. He pressed the gun against my temple, tilting my head slowly with the pressure that he applied with the gun while kneeling down. When our faces were just inches apart, he brushed the hair out of my face, and placed it behind my ear. "Better this way darling?"

I kept silent. "Mrs Lauraine Holmes you walk a fine line between beautifully macabre, and uncharacteristically psychotic." His suprisingly cold, minty breath covered my face.

"I know."

Behind his eyes, I could see a mixture of lust, disgust and admiration. He surely was a hell of a man, with a hell of a personality. Not in a good way though, no, in an interesting way. And just now, I realised why Sherlock had been so focussed on this case. Moriarity wasn't boring, apart from all others.
"So, no housewarming party then?"

"Not yet."


"You'll have to behave yourself first kitten. I can't risk you attacking my men, or you escaping."

My gaze fell to the ground. Was he really going to make me beg? Did he expect me to? After all, I wasn't planning on staying down here, but I also wasn't planning on begging for this man. "And if I promise you that I won't try all of that?"

"You just expect me to believe that, dear?"

"I just promised you that. I may be a lot, but I am not one to break my word."

Our eyecontact remained, not one of us broke it. I lifted my right eyebrow, awaiting his answer. "On one condition."


Did I agree? Yes. Did I have a chance to say no? Practically not. Was it all that bad? Yes, actually it was. 

'Cause here I stood, in a suit tailored to fit me, with a much too revealing bodysuit underneath. It was all black sheer, and gold lace that travelled from my bellybutton to my chest. And the amount of cleavage, was, outrageous. I wasn't one to be clothed like a nun, but this was actually outrageous. Though I was happy with the blazer that covered up the cleavage at least a little, and covered the cuts on my shoulder and inner-elbow which were finally, properly patched up. And, of course, Moriarity had picked out the heels too. Because he proceeded to choose the most uncomfortable Louis Vuitton heels. I liked them though, but I doubted if he had considered that I was taller than him, even without heels. 

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