CHAPTER XV - He's baaack!

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John came over more often after we met, we actually seemed to get along quite well. When I was bored, he'd tell me about when he served, and when he was bored I told him about me and Sherlock. The mornings after our last encounter with Moriarity were slow mornings. Sherlock took a day of now and then, so we could sleep in and do the things that couple do sometimes during the day and evening, I believe they're called 'datenights'. 

The last couple of weeks there had not been a single sign of Moriarity, not even a bankcard that could be traced back to him, no single sign of his excistance. Mycroft, was worried, because he always had an eye on everyone, everywhere and now that Moriarity was 'under the radar', Mycroft couldn't trace him down. He had been over a couple of times, to check on us. He thought we couldn't see it, and maybe a fairly 'normal' humanbeing wouldn't, but he was scared. I could see it in his eyes, behind his mask, when he thought I couldn't see him. While sometimes I hated that cons that came with being a Holmes, I loved this family. 

Mycroft was sat across from me, in my armchair while I sat in Sherlock's. "So, brother dear, did you happen to find yourself a goldfish while Sherlock and I have been out on our little 'break'?" I teased. Mycroft hated when I started on those kinds of subjects. "Lauraine, this is not the type of stuff I have to discuss with you." He stated, very serious. Very Mycroft-like.

"Oooh, so you have found yourself one. I'm happy for you!" I smiled, teasing him a bit more.

"No I-" He tried.

"Yes you have."

"Change the subject, now!" 

This was just a confirmation of what I already had suspected. Since a couple of weeks, Mycroft had started using products in his hair, he had been spraying his perfume more obsessively, he had been checking his tie more often, he had found himself a goldfish, I was sure of it. And I had some suspicion who. Not a woman of course, if you get what I mean... But we all know what misses Hudson says: "Live and let live, that my motto!" God I loved that woman.

I could hear footsteps come up the stairs, a man's. A short man's. Without turning to look around at who was standing in the door, I said. "Goodmorning John."

"How did yo-", he stopped and sighed. "Goodmorning Lauraine." he then turned his gaze to Myc and nodded. "Mr Holmes. Am I interrupting something?"

"Oh no!" Mycroft stated.

"Oh yes." I opposed, shooting a smirk towards Mycroft. We were just talking about his goldfish, I wanted to say, but it was for the better if I kept quiet.  "Never mind." I added. Mycroft rose from him chair. "I was just about to leave," he paused and turned to me. "I'll see you on Christmas day, sister."

I had promised Sherlock to come with him to visit his parents on Christmas, and I was sure that Sherlock had been forced to by his parents, as well as Mycroft. And I know how weird it sounds, but I had never met Sherlock's parents. I was, sort of, happy that I would meet them now.

Before Mycroft got the chance to walk out of the door, Sherlock barged in past him. "He's back." He sighed, catching his breath from what I supposed had been running here. "What?" I was shocked and hoping that this wasn't about to go where I expected it to. "Lauraine, he's back. Lestrade just called, he broke into the bank, Pentonville Prison and now the Tower of London!" Sherlock's voice was filled with concern and terror. 

I jumped up from the couch, practically running over to the kitchen chair grabbing onto my coat and slipping it on. I speed-walked over to the door and passed by Mycroft, turning around before I descended the stairs after Sherlock. "Sorry brother dear, duty calls!" And then I ran down the stairs after Sherlock.

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