Chapter IV - Dinner

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"You need to stay off my cases. it's dangerous." Sherlocks voice was filled with worry, alongside anger.

"Sherlock, I can take care of myself."

"And what would have happened if I hadn't followed you last night?! Would you have fought those snipers on your own? Would you have threatened Moriarity even more? Would you have even survived?!"

"Drama queen."

Sherlocks right eyebrow lifted, as if he was challenging me to repeat my words. I glared at him, slowly stepping closer to him, closing the distance between is. "Drama queen." I whispered before placing my cold lips against his soft ones. "My drama queen though." I giggled before I waddled off to the kitchen.

Sherlock was so incredibly easy to play into if you knew the right buttons to push, and I was pretty sure I knew. As I poured myself a drink, I felt Sherlocks eyes pocking in my back. "Whats up?" I asked.

"Maybe I am scared for something to happen to you."

"Sherlock, no need to be scared. I can take care of myself. Besides, Moriarity hasn't appeared on Myc's radar since last time we saw him."

"That was literally two days ago."

"Yeah, that's two days that he hasn't showed up."

Sherlock sighed. He knew he probably wasn't going to win this argument. I walked out of the kitchen, I positioned myself in front of him, my chest touching his. "Wanna go out to eat? Relax a little?"


We walked in side by side, our fingers entwined by our sides. I looked up at Sherlock, whose eyebrows were slightly knitted together. The ambience in the room was upscale, with soft lighting and the gentle hums of conversations filled the room.

As we reached the table, Sherlock pulled out a chair for me as he took my, that had been previously hanging ove rmy shoulders, from my shoulders, placing it over the backrest of the chair before sitting down across from me. I gently picked up the menu, as I looked at Sherlock, his mind seemed to wander and his attention seemed elsewhere.

"I trust you've made a decision about the menu?" Sherlock suddenly spoke. His bright blue eyes met mine. "Um, yes. I think I'll have the... uh, the salmon." I replied whilst pearing over the menu for the fifth time.

Sherlock smirked, however still clearly uninterested in the menu. "Fish. Predictable." I raised an eyebrow to that remark, unsure of what to make of his comement. Then it all clicked. "Sherlock, we need to talk about Moriarity."

Sherlock's eyes immediately sharpened, and he leaned forward resting his chin on steepled fingers. As he leaned in, he spoke. "Lauraine, Moriarity is not a man to be taken lightly. He's a spider at the center of a vast web, and every move he makes is a calculated one."

"I know."

Sherlock fixed me with an intense gaze. "You need to stay away from him. Do not engage. Do not provoke. Moriarity thrives on chaos, and he won't hesitate to use you as a pawn to his game."

I leaned back in my chair slightly. "But why me? Why is he so interested in me?"

Sherlock smirked, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "That's what I intend to find out. But for now, your safety is paramount. Avoid him at all costs. And if you notice anything unusual, anything out of the ordinary, contact me immediately, and tell Mycroft."

I sighed heavily, leaning in a bit more, placing my hand on Sherlocks. He looked down at it. "I'll do whatever it takes to stay safe."

Sherlock leaned closed, a satisfied look on his face. "Good. Now let's get that salmon. We have much more to discuss." He winked as he said that. And I knew exactly what he meant.


When we arrived back home, I immediatly sniffed the smell of heavy tabbaco with a slight twist of musk and vanilla.

''Sherlock, did you smoke before we went out?''

''What? You know I don-"

I put my arm out for Sherlock to stay behind me, while I took a step forward. Within a second I could smell the Tom Ford Tabbaco Vanilla Eeau de Parfum hanging in the hallway of 221B. Okay so, teo possible outcomes. But the knocker om the front door wasn't straightened. So...

''Sherlock, check the kitchen and ground floor for Mrs.Hudson. I'll check upstairs.''

''What is it Lauraine?''


Sherlock ran inside, rapidly checking the ground floor for Mrs.Hudson while I ran up the stairs. When I opened the door to 221B, I could see Moriarity sitting in Sherlocks chair.

''Hey Lauraine."


''I would have thought you might have called.''

''I considered. Couldn't you just wait for my call?''

''Ofcourse I couldn't.''

At that point Sherlock came storming in.

''Mrs.Huds-'' He stopped his sentence when he saw me standing across from Moriarity.

''Hiii.'' Moriarity's voice sang through the room.

''What are you doing here?'' Sherlock asked in a threatening tone.

''Having a chat, with your 'girlfriend'.''

''I'm not his girlfriend. I'm his wife.'' I hissed.

''Owh, alright.''

''Why are you after her? What do you want from her?''

''Oh Sherlock, come on. Look at her." Moriarity said while he rose from his chair and turned to me. Our chests so close that they were almost touching. "She's dangerous, maybe even venomous, this is a last friendly warning. Back off kitten."

''Shut up Jim, you've caused enough harm.''

''Yeah, right. I guess it's time to go.'' Jim said.

''I suspect to see you soon, untill then, I would watch my back if I were you.'' Jim threatened, staring me right in the eyes while I looked down on him.

I was taller than him, but he was so much more powerful, he could kill me with a snap of his boney fingers. I knew that of course, but who doesn't love a little game with fire and rains of bullets?

He walked over to the door and closed it behind his back. Once the door closed Sherlock immediatly turned to me:

"See! I was right! He's after you!"

"He's not that dangerous, don't overthink it."

"Lauraine for gods sake!"

"You're the infamous Sherlock Holmes, figure out his next step!"

Sherlock didn't awnser and kept silent.

''Sure, Ignore me William Sherlock Scott Holmes. I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm prepared to take a bullet for you.''

With that I walked out of 221B, onto the not so busy streets of Londen.

There were two things I could do at this point: Go to Mycrofts mansion, or wander around the empty streets at night. If you have paid close attention up until this point of my story, you know that I kept wandering the empty streets. There was no use in going to Mycroft, he would most definitely pick Sherlocks side.

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