CHAPTER XXI - A game of minds

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Moriarity's gaze locked onto me, his piercing eyes a tempest of mischief and desire. The waltz continued to echo faintly in the background, and it had now become a haunting melody that underscored the gravity of the moment. I was completely still under Moriarity's gaze, and I was determined when I spat.  "I won't be swayed by your games, Moriarty. The truth will prevail, and your twisted dance will come to an end."

His lips curled into a dangerous smile. "Ah, Lauraine, always the heroine in your own story. But you fail to see the beauty in chaos. The dance isn't about endings; it's about the exquisite journey."

"Since when are you musician here? I believe I am still the expert." I joked, trying to lighten the conversation. However, Sherlock stepped forward and cut through the silence. "Your version of beauty is nothing more than manipulation and destruction. We're not pawns in your game, Moriarty."

Moriarity's gaze flickered between Sherlock and I. This dance of words had become a silent battle of wills. Then, he rested his gaze on me as he took another step closer as if he wasn't closer enough already. "You underestimate the allure of chaos, my dear. It's in the unexpected twists and turns that life truly becomes exhilarating. Embrace it, and you might find a thrill unlike any other."

"Your version of exhilaration comes at the cost of innocent lives. I won't be a part of your sick game." I spat. My emotions were getting the better of me and that was going to be my downfall.

Morairity's complete demeanor shifted, a flicker of frustration crossing his features.  "You're so close to understanding, Lauraine. Yet, you cling to your notions of morality. It's almost... disappointing."

Sherlock visibly couldn't watch this anymore, and he stepped between the two of us, towering over Moriarity. ""Enough of your mind games, Moriarty. The truth will come to light, and you'll be held accountable for your actions."

Morairity's laughter echoed through the corridor, hightening the tension once more. "Accountability, Sherlock? How quaint. But don't mistake this for the end. The night is young, and so is the dance."

With that, he turned on his heels and dissapeared back into the crowd, leaving me and Shelrock alone in the dimly lit corridor. The echoes of his footsteps mingled with the fading waltz, a testament to the enigma that Moriarty embodied.

Sherlock turned to me. "What where you doing?!" 

"We need to clear our names, Sherlock."

"Yeah but-" He paused, "We'll figure this out later. But you will not leave my side anymore. Understood?"

I nodded. Sherlock reached up to my ear and turned the earpiece back on. On the other side of the line, I could hear a deep sigh. "I'm back, unharmed in one piece." I said, jokingly. "For fucks sake Lauraine, you do not go and waddle off with Moriarity on your own!" Mycroft yelled. "Calm down brother mine, stress is bad for you heart and your health." I joked as I took Sherlocks hand in mine and we made our way back to the ballroom. The waltz embraced us once more, it's melody weaving through the air like a thread connecting the disparate elements of the night. 

We rejoinged the dance, our steps synchronized with the rhythm of the music, as well as with eachother. The guests around us twirled and laughed, lost in the enchantment of the night. As we wove through the dance floor, the atmosphere became charged with a different kind of energy. We knew that Morairity was changeable and often did unexpected things, but when I saw him stride closer and when he seized my arm before Sherlock or I could even react, I was overly shocked.

"My dear, you can't escape the dance. It's in your blood, entwined with the very fabric of your existence." He said as he pulled me into another unexpected waltz, swaying me around on the floor. ""Oh, Lauraine, you're a puzzle I'm determined to solve. But if you insist on resisting the allure of chaos, perhaps a more direct approach is in order." He paused for a moment. "Does he know you're dying?" Moriarity asked. My teasing expression melted off as my mouth went dry, any left confidence fell. I went quiet, and kept quiet. How could he know? He just smirked in response, and didn't continue on. 

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