CHAPTER IX - Sherrinford

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No explosion.

"Why didn't it explode?" I asked Mycroft. 

"Well, we both know who it came from." Mycroft suggested.

"He doesn't want me dead. He wants me to suffer, doesn't he?"

Mycroft stared me in my eyes for a few second before he sighed. "Do we move?" I asked, getting a bit akward by the fact that Mycroft was still on top off me, while nothing had happened. Mycroft pulled himself up, and then helped me to my feet. "Sherlock just threw himself out of a window." I realised out loud. Not long after I found myself thoughtlesly sprinting already. As I turned the corner to the hall and barged out the front door. I could hear Sherlock groaning and as I looked to my right I could see him climbing out of the container that was stored in the front of the apartment. "Oh god." Mycroft sighed, suddenly standing beside me.

His hair was messy, his clothes stained with whatever was in the trash. "Had a good dumpsterdive?" I joked as I handed him my hand so that I could support him as he tried climbing out. "Well, the Baker Street gang live to play another game." Sherlock remarked.  "So, what are we doing now?" I asked.

"The only thing we can do." Sherlock concluded looking at me, then shifting his gaze to Mycroft. "Where is Moriarity now?"

"I don't know." Mycroft tried.

"Oh you know." I opposed.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you know everything and everyone." I replied. Mycroft sighed. "He's in Sherrinford."

"Sherrinford? As in the island with the insane people on it?" Sherlock asked.


"So we go there." I concluded.


It had been a while since I had infiltrated anywhere, especially somewhere this heavily guarded. But with the number of organisations I had been a part of over the years, that really opened a door. Speaking of doors, they really should have better security for the control room. Just as I was checking if Sherlock had arrived the whole building was called into lock down. Watching from the cameras, I could see a disguised Mycroft being lead away. I walked down the corridors and headed towards the holding cells. I walked over to one of the guards. "Oi mate, would ya mind borrowing ya gun? I've left mine in the locker an' i dunno where me keys are." I put on a weird accent, and I didn't think it worked.

"You what?"

I sighed. "Fine then." switching back to my normal voice again. I moved closer and stabbed his nech with tranquilliser, he went limp, and toppled over. I dragged him over to an utility cupboard and took his weapons and security passes. Luckily, I returned to the holding cell at the exact same time as the guards excorting Mycroft in disguise, I followed them. Which he really outdid himself with to be honest, if I didn't know it was him, I wouldn't even recognize him.

As the governor walked in, Mycroft stood up and exclaimed, "This is a mistake. I'm the victim 'ere. Someone stole my boat. a pirate." His accent was a lot better than mine.

"Please sit down." The governor stated calmly. The governor then turned around at me. "I want eyes on Eurus. Go straight to the Special Unit, deploy Green and Yellow Shift on my authority." With that, he handed me his pass whixh I suppose had access to Eurus' cell, although I had no idea who she was yet. "By the way; I haven't seen you before? New guard?"

I nodded, I wasn't going to try my new accent again because I knew I would desperately fail. 

"The true art of disguise is not being looked at, some friend told me that once." The governor pleaded. "But I am looking at you, aren't I, Mr Holmes?" He turned to Mycroft.

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