CHAPTER XIX - Christmas

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"Lauraine!" I heard a familiar voice call out from the street. One look and I knew who it was, considering the enormous SUV that stopped right before the alley that I had been hidden away in. Mycroft opened the door and I sprinted towards the car, sliding in and hurriedly closing the door. "I told you to not stand out! And you come and pull up in a massive ass SUV?"

"Look, you know that I need to look good everywhere I go." Mycroft started. I looked him dead in the eye as we sped off, and didn't say a word more. Not much later I sat on the couch at his mansion, trying to fidget the cuff that was left on my wrist off with a hairpin. "Would you bother to tell me what happened?" Mycroft asked.

"Long story short, Sherlock got arrested for suspicion of abduction and I told him that I wouldn't leave him alone so I hit someone called a Chief Superintendant and then I got arrested too. Then we might have pointed a gun at a few officers and we ran off. We decided to split up, now I'm here, and Sherlock is probably at John's." I rattled out. "But it's christmas?" Mycroft opposed. "Moriarity doesn't mind if it's Christmas." I said.

"You think Moriarity is behind this?" 

"Of course he bloody is! Now have you got any spare shoes or something? My feet are killing me." 

"You know that we need have to leave to our parents in two hours?" Mycroft questioned.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "That's today?"


"Can't we blow it off? Sherlock isn't even here!"

With that, the door to the living room barged open, revealing a Sherlock drenched in sweat and panting heavily. "Never mind." I whispered under my breath. 

"Ah brother, glad to see your still alive!" Mycroft mocked.

"Barely." Sherlock shot back, his eyes shot over to me. "You okay?" 

I nodded in response, but remained silent. Mycroft broke the silence in the room. "So now that we've had this little familyreunion, I suppose you two get ready to go to our parents." His voice was calm, a smile on his lips. "You really expect us to go and celebrate Christmas, while we've got a whole police-unit up our asses?!"

"Poor choice of words, sister mine."

I sighed, throwing my hands up in the air. "Did you even listen to a word I told you? Your brother and I have a bounty on our head and a group of pissed off policeofficers after us!"

"I don't suspect they will come to look for the two of you at our parent's house, now stop arguing and go get ready, there is new clothing for you in the dressingroom upstairs. The helicopter will leave in an hour."

Whitout even questioning how Mycroft had prepared whole different outfits for us, because I knew better, I sighed, stood up and followed Sherlock out of the room and up the stairs. I must say, Mycroft knew of style. On the mannequins in front of me was a black, sleeveless jumpsuit with a V-neck that traced just far enough down to show a little amount of cleavage, and seated beside the mannequin were a pair of heels and a makeup-bag. On the other mannequin was a simple, black suit with a very dark grey shirt underneath and a pair of polished shoes for Sherlock. We got ready and within an hour, we were of in a helicopter to the elderly Holmes' house.


We arrived at a red-walled cottage, and Mycroft immedaitely approached the door and rang the bell. Sherlock stood beside me, his hand on the small of my back. I must admit, I was nervous. I mean I was about to meet the Holmes' family for the very first time. They hadn't been able to make it to Sherlock and I's weddingdinner, and I was unsure if they were even aware that we were married. As the door opened and their fathercame out of the door wearing grey trousers, a white checked shirt, a grey cardigan and a bright red bow, I took in a sharp breath and put on a smile. 

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