He's a Keeper// Chapter 1

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         "Violet, get up! We have to leave in half an hour!" Today was the day, the day I go back to Hogwarts. I wanted this year to be different. I wanted to put myself out there, make friends. I slowly got out of bed, getting ready to leave. I looked back at the picture on my nightstand. It was me and Brandon, messing around. I smiled back at the memory, I missed those times. I put the picture in my case and went downstairs. We loaded my luggage in the car and drove to the station. "Remember what I said. Make some friends, get it there. Go for the quidditch team, you know our brother always loved when you played quidditch. Do it for him, or at least try." I gave her one last hug and got onto the train. I waved goodbye as the train started rolling. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" a thick Scottish accent asked me. I turned around to see a semi tall boy with brown hair and brown eyes. I hesitated, unsure if I should let him sit, but I had to make friends, this was the way to do it. "Sure, go ahead." He smiled and sat down across from me. "I'm Oliver, Wood, as my friends call me." I smiled back at him, "Violet." "What a beautiful name," he replied. I smiled, feeling my cheeks turn a slight pink. Nobody ever really complemented me besides my family. "Thanks." He smiled back at me. "You look familiar. Did you used to play quidditch?" I didn't want to talk about quidditch, that was Brandon and I's thing. "Yeah, I did." He looked at me more closely. "That's why you're so familiar! But can I ask you something?" "Ask away," I replied. I had a feeling I knew what he would say, but I didn't want him to ask. "Why did you quit?" I knew it. I shuffled in my seat, fumbling with my hands. I didn't really want to talk about it, but he seemed like a nice guy, and I wanted to be his friend. "My brother and I used to play quidditch all the time. He told me I was one of the best. On his way to a match, his team's train caught on fire. He was the only one to not make it. After that, I couldn't play or even think of the sport without thinking of him." He looked up at me, I saw that he felt sorry, it was in his eyes. "I am so sorry for your loss. Will you try out this year?" I thought about it. Did I want to try out? I realized that I should. If Brandon wanted it, I will carry out his will. "I think I just might. I miss flying around, chasing the quaffle, the amazing feeling you get when scoring." "So you play chaser?" "Yeah, what about you?" "Keeper."

  We talked the whole ride. Oliver was a very nice guy, one of the nicest I've met. We got off the train, deep into a conversation about why teachers could be so strict. "Oliver, what house are you in?" "Gryffindor." I smiled, then face palmed myself. I had been going to this school for 4 years and I've never seen him in my house. "Me too." He smiled, "That means I can bug you more!" I giggled at his comment. We went and sat down at the feast, still talking about how weird Trelawney was. I had a feeling this was going to a great year!

  After the feast, we were stuffed and tired. We headed back to the common room. "This is my stop," I said, standing in front of the girls dormitory. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," he said, flashing me with his signature smile. "See ya!" I walked to my bed, getting my pajamas on. As I laid in bed, I thought about today, about Oliver. He seemed like a sweet guy. Then I thought, did I grow fond of Oliver already?

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