He's a Keeper// Chapter 13

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        The next morning, I was as happy as can be. I just couldn't get over the fact that Brandon was still here. We talked a lot last night. I just left out that I have a boyfriend and that my ex boyfriend has tried to kill me several times. I'll tell him, eventually. I sat down next to Oliver, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Someone's in a good mood." "I'm just very happy." "What happened?" I was thinking, should I tell Oliver now or later? I took a deep breath. "I found out last night that my brother is still alive." Oliver spit out his drink. "Oh my gosh, that's amazing!" he said, giving me a huge hug. "Yeah, he's gonna be an assistant professor here." "That's amazing!" He hugged me again. "So, when do I meet him?" Dang, didn't think about that. "When the time comes. I don't know how he'll react with the whole boyfriend thing." "Have you told him about, uh, 'you know who?'" I knew who he was talking about. "No, I don't know when to tell him that." "When the time comes, you'll know. I gotta bounce, see ya later," he said, giving me a quick peck on the lips. "See ya." Just as he walked away, I saw Brandon. He came and sat down by me. "Jeez, I missed this place. It's good to be back!" I missed his smile, three years without it was horrible. Now, I've got another smile to make my day. "Hey, I've got some news." "What is it? Did you set another broom on fire?" "No, I didn't set a broom on fire." "Well then what is it?" He took a deep breath. "I am the new athletics trainer for quidditch." "That's amazing!" I gave him a huge hug. "I train all the teams every 2 weeks. So I get to see you play." I couldn't stop smiling. It's just like the old days.

  Today was the day that Brandon would be at our practice. I was really nervous. This means that Brandon will meet Oliver. I don't know what he's gonna think. Oliver noticed how nervous I was. "Hey, relax. Everything will be fine. Besides, who doesn't like the Oliver Wood?" I laughed. Oliver always knew how to cheer me up. Brandon walked onto the field. "Hello Gryffindor quidditch team. My name is Brandon and I'm going to be your new athletics trainer. I'll be here every 2 weeks. Who's the captain?" Oliver raised his hand. He looked back at me, giving me an assuring smile. "Oliver Wood, keeper." "Pleasure to meet ya Oliver." "Call me Wood." Oliver looked back at me. I was the only one he let call him Oliver, besides a teacher or something. "Alright Wood." He walked back into the center of the pitch. "Alright, let's start with... 5 laps around the pitch." We all mounted our brooms and did our laps. We continued with practice. We played a different version of an actual game. When I was going after the quaffle, my broom jerked me around. I wasn't in control. "Violet, what's happening?" "I don't know, it's going out of control." It flipped me off super quick and I fell off the broom. I was really high in the air at that point, and I was plummeting towards the ground. I was caught just before I hit. I expected it it be my brother. "Thanks Brandon," I said before looking up. "Who you calling Brandon?" a thick Scottish accent filled my ears. Oliver caught me. "Oops, I thought-" "I know," he said, and then pecked me on the lips and we went to the ground. "Violet, are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine." I walked over to get my broom. "We looked at it, nothing's wrong with it." I looked over and saw 2 people hiding in the stands. I recognized them. They were Matt and Trent, Stephen's friends. "Brandon, can I borrow Oliver real quick? We'll be right back." "Sure, bu-" I didn't let him finish before I grabbed Oliver's hand and ran to the stands. "What's up?" We ran in and saw the guys running away. "Hey!" Oliver called. They turned around. Oliver's expression changed, once he realized who they were. "What are you guys doing?" "With Stephen gone, we wanted to carry out his work." "By messing with me?" They started to run off. Oliver got out his wand and zapped them. He ran over and picked them up by the collar. "If you ever come near her again, so help me I will-" "Oliver, Brandon's coming!" He dropped them and ran out. "You guys alright?" "Yeah, everything's fine." He nodded and walked back to the pitch. "It's okay. I won't let them mess with you, I promise." Oliver wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "That's all I get?" He laughed and kissed me on the lips. He put his hand to my cheek. "Violet?" I pulled back. I knew that voice. The voice that I have wanted to hear for the past three years. I didn't want to hear it at that time.

  Brandon walked up to Oliver and picked him up by the collar. "What are you doing with my sister?!" "Brandon, I-" "Don't give me that 'Brandon' garbage, what the heck were you doing with my sister?" His grip tightened on Oliver's collar. "Brandon, leave him alone!" I screamed. He lowered Oliver a bit, but didn't put him down. "Why should I? He was making out with my sister!" His grip tightened. "Brandon! Let him go!" "Why shoul-" "Because he's my boyfriend!" He dropped Oliver. "You have a boyfriend?" "He's my second one." "You've had two boyfriends?" I nodded. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him about Stephen. "What happened to the other one?" I didn't want to talk about it. Oliver gave me a nod, signaling me to tell him. "Can we go someplace private?" He nodded. I walked over to Oliver. "Please come with me?" He nodded and I helped him up. He gave me a kiss on my forehead as we walked back to Brandon. We sat in the stands. "So, explain." I took a deep breath. "His name was Stephen Lions." "Lions? You dated a Lions?" "Yeah." "I knew a Lions, Marcus Lions. He set my train on fire, killing my team. How could you do that to me? I can't believe-" "I didn't know!" I shouted. "I just found out the other day that he killed your friends. How do you think I feel about dating him? He cheated on me and messed with me every chance he got!" "What did he do?" "He cheated on me. Then this year, it got worse. He tried to kiss me, do horrible things to me after a quidditch match. He beat up Oliver, then zapped me in the neck. He got into a fight at Hogsmede with Oliver because of me. Heck, he locked me in a room and set it on fire! I was so done, I almost killed myself." His face was full of worry. I threw a lot of stuff at him. "You almost killed yourself?" I started to choke on tears, so I just nodded. "And where were you during all this?!" he shouted at Oliver. "You almost let her kill herself. How could you do that?" "I tried to stop her! I helped her through all this. At least I didn't make her miserable for three years by making her think I was dead!" "Don't bring that up! I was lost and couldn't find my way to her!" "But you still hurt her! She told me how she would cry herself to sleep because you weren't there!" He pushed Oliver. "Listen to me. I don't want you near her. Don't you dare try and see her. You guys are over." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Brandon! Why? It's my life, and I can date Oliver if I want to!" "But you nearly killed yourself in his care." "That was my choice! He had nothing to do with it!" I backed away from my brother. He was so different from three years ago. "I don't know what happened to you, but you've changed. Your not the Brandon I once knew." I grabbed Oliver's hand and walked away. "I'm so sorry," Oliver told me. "No, it wasn't your fault." He gave me a hug and we walked back to the castle. I kept thinking, what happened to Brandon? Where is the old Brandon that I know and love?

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