He's a Keeper// Chapter 20

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        Drawing was one of my hobbies. It kept my mind off things, and people say I'm pretty good. I was drawing a picture of me and Oliver. I wanted to make him something special, so I drew a picture. I was shading it in, when I heard coughing. I didn't pay much matter to it, Oliver coughs all the time now. I went back to my drawing. Then, I heard a thud, a loud one. "Oliver?" I got up and ran to the bathroom. He was on the floor in a coughing fit. "Oliver, what happened?" He tried to speak, but nothing came out. He pointed to his chest, right where his lungs were. "Water?" He nodded. He was having trouble breathing, I was freaking out. "Mrs. Wood!" She ran up the stairs. "Oh my god. I'll call the hospital. Get him downstairs." I nodded and tried to help him up. Brandon and my mom came up the stairs. They were staying here, helping Oliver and Mrs. Wood. Brandon helped me with Oliver. The medics came and brought Oliver into their vehicle. We got in Mrs. Wood's car and followed them. They got him on a stretcher and rolled him down the hall. I tried to follow. "You can't come," a doctor stopped me. "But I have to be with him." I'm sorry, you can't be in there." "I have to-" "He is dying. You can't be in there." He ran off. I tried to follow, but was pulled back by Brandon. I tried to break free, but I couldn't. I started to break down. My knees buckled from underneath me and I fell to the floor. I was sobbing, heavily. Brandon engulfed me in a hug. We all walked over to the waiting room. We waited for an hour. I got up and went to the window sill. I need time alone. I leaned my back on the wall and stared out the window. I got my drawing out of my bag. It needed to be finished. I shaded in the lines. I finished and then drifted off to sleep.

  "What's going on? Is he okay?" A voice echoed in my ears. It was Brandon's. "I just talked to the doctors," Mrs. Wood said, worry in her voice. "They are trying all they can, but they don't know if it'll work. They said that he was looking horrible." "How much time do they think he has left?" She sniffed. "Tonight or tomorrow." That's when I lost it. Tears were falling. "Tell your sister, she needs to know." They don't know that I already heard. I put my head in my arms. Oliver was going, and I wasn't ready. He doesn't deserve this. I looked over at Brandon. He started to walk over. "Just leave me alone." He backed up and walked back to the waiting room. I thought to myself. In the morning, Oliver could be dead. That made my cry even more. I kept crying until I drifted off to sleep.

  Someone tapped my shoulder. I thought it was Brandon. "Leave me alone." I stared out the window. I didn't want to talk to anyone. They tapped my shoulder again. "Brandon leave me alone." Why wouldn't he leave? "Last time I remember, you were always happy to see me," a voice rang through my ear. I picked my head up. I knew that voice. It was a thick Scottish accent. I turned around to meet Oliver's eyes. "Oliver!" I jumped into his arms. He engulfed me in a huge hug. "I thought you were gone." "They worked all through the night. They got out all the water. Everything is okay." I squeezed him tighter. I looked up and kissed him. I was so happy. "What's that?" He asked when we pulled apart. He looked down at my drawing. "It's for you." I gave him the drawing. He looked at it in awe. "You're amazing. It's amazing." He gave me another hug. "What do ya say we get out of here?" "Gladly." I got up and took his hand. "I missed you m'lady." "I missed you too." He gave me a kiss on the side of my head. We walked back to his house, still hand in hand. We walked back to the lake, back to the picnic blanket that was still there. We sat down and kissed each other with all the energy we had left. This was going to be a great summer.

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