He's a Keeper// Chapter 15

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        I was sitting in front of the fireplace in the common room. I was lost in my thoughts. Why was Stephen back? Don't they see what he's done? He almost burnt down the whole school. Then, a hand came on my shoulder. I looked up and met Oliver's eyes. He sat down next to me. "Hey m'lady, are you okay?" "Just thinking." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. "I know, I know. But remember what I told you." I looked up into his eyes. "As long as I'm here, as long as I'm alive, I will protect you. You will always be safe." He kissed the side of my head. "But why is he back? Don't they see what he's done? He nearly burnt down the school and has tried to kill me several times." Tears were falling from my eyes. "I know. But everything is going to be okay." We stayed there all night. The next morning, I woke up in Oliver's arms. I tried to move, but I was really sore. I stretched, trying to get the feeling back. Oliver shuffled next to me, slowly opening his eyes. "Good morning m'lady," he said. His voice was raspy and his hair was rugged, it was very attractive. "Good morning Oliver." I scooted over to him. I looked into his eyes. He started to lean in, I did the same. We were inches apart when we heard footsteps. "Did I interrupt something?" We pulled back and met the person's eyes. "What do you want?" Oliver asked, getting to his feet. "What, can't I walk through the halls in peace?" "I don't think you can." "Look, can I just talk to Violet?" "No, don't you dare come near her!" "Excuse me, I can talk to her if I want!" "Well, maybe you could if you didn't try and kill her every time you were around her." They were getting close to each other. Oliver had anger in his eyes. I knew what he was gonna do. "Oliver, stop." He backed up. "Wow, she has control of you? Because our can't control yourself?" Oliver walked closer and brought up his fist. "Oliver, stop!" He lowered his fist. He walked over to me, noticing the tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry, I am so sorry." He pulled me into a hug. He was then pulled back and fell on the floor. Stephen walked closer to me. "Stephen please, stop." He chuckled, "That trick may work on pretty boy, but not me." He grabbed my hair and pulled me up. I felt tears fall. Then, the unexpected happened. He slapped me across my cheek. He threw me to the ground and gave me a good kick to the stomach. I clutched my stomach in pain. While Stephen was distracted, Oliver came up and punched him in the face. Oliver grabbed and we ran out of the common room.

  We walked down to Brandon's office. "Brandon," Oliver said, out of breath from running. "What happened?" "We were in the common room, when Stephen came. He slapped Violet and kicked her in the stomach." "Here, sit down." He got up and offered me a chair. He got an ice pack for my cheek. "I'll go talk to Dumbledore about this, that kid has to go." "It's almost the end of the school year, what's he gonna do?" I asked. "Hopefully. Oliver, stay with her. I'll be back in a bit." He ran to Dumbledore's office. "Everything's going to be alright. And I get it if you are gonna leave me." I looked at him in shock. "Why would I leave you? I love you." "I broke my promise. I said that I wouldn't let him hurt you. I already broke it." I gave him a hug. "It's okay, you can't always save the day. But I'll never leave you." His head was hanging down. I picked up his chin so I could meet his eyes. I leaned in, which caused him to lean in. Then, his lips met mine. He pulled back after a couple seconds, only to kiss me again. He put his hand to my cheek. I put my fingers through his hair. We heard Brandon coming, so we pulled apart. "What did he say?" Brandon was breathing heavily. "I told him about Stephen." "What did he say?" He took a deep breath. "He can't expel him." "Why?!" Oliver asked, rage in his eyes. "Because his uncle is the Minister of Magic."

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