He's a Keeper// Chapter 18

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        The cold air nipped at my skin. I was flying as fast as I could. I wanted, no, needed to see Oliver. We got to St. Mungo's. We put our brooms down and ran in. "We're here to see Oliver Wood." "You can't go on now, you have to wait in the waiting room." I sighed and walked over to the room. "Are you Violet?" a lady asked me. "Yes." "I'm Oliver's mother. He told me so much about you." I nodded. "How is he?" "Well, water started to get in his lungs and he had trouble breathing. They are trying to get the water out." I nodded. Her eyes were red, you could tell she was crying. Brandon walked over to me. "You okay?" I shook my head. "What's gonna happen?" "I don't know. Let's hope for the best." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. A while later, a nurse came out. "We tried to get all the water out, but only got most of it. There is still some in there. You can see him." We all shot up and walked to the room. We let his parents in first. He didn't look good. I felt tears on the bridge of falling. His parents backed up and he saw me. "Hey m'lady." I ran to his bed and engulfed him in a hug. "You scared me to death." "I'm sorry." I didn't want to let him go. He picked up my chin and kissed me. It was longer than usual, because we knew that it would be one of the few we could have left. I spent the night at the hospital with Oliver. In the morning, we would fly back. "I'm sorry," he spoke. "For what?" "Putting you through this. I would never want someone to go through this. But here I am, dying, and you are going through a hard time." "I'd go through the pain for you. I love you." "I love you too." He kissed the side of my head. He took his hand and made half a heart. I did the same. We laughed. I was going to miss this.

  Finals were today, ugh. I was tired and didn't want to take a test. The good thing is that this test means it's almost the end of the year. It was a long and tiring year, I was glad it was over. I was planning on spending almost all of my summer with Oliver, but who knows how that'll turn out. I sat next to Oliver while taking the test. He kept coughing the whole time, which was a problem for some students. He was moved to another room. I finished my test and went to find Oliver. I heard his coughing and followed that. I turned a corner and saw him on the ground. "Oliver, Oliver!" I ran to his side. He got up, slowly. "I'm fine." I walked him to the common room. He wasn't looking good.

  Today was the last day of school. I was saying my final goodbyes to my new friends. I spotted Oliver. "Do you want me to come back home with you?" He looked up at me. "If you want to deal with me." I giggled. I gave him a hug. "You'll be fine, we'll be fine." We walked on the train. We sat in a compartment. "This is where we met," he spoke. I nodded, remembering when we met. We got off the train and spotted his mother. We got in his car and drove off. I held his hand and leaned into him. This could be where it ends. This is when I could loose the best boyfriend in the world. This is when I could loose Oliver Wood.

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