He's a Keeper// Chapter 6

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         I walked down to the Great Hall, stomach grumbling, dying for food. I saw Oliver sitting there, reading the Prophet, minding his own business. "Hey Oliver," I said, giving him a quick hug. "Hello there m'lady." God, I loved when he called me that. "Are you coming to practice today?" He grinned with excitement. "Yes. I can't wait to get back out there!" I was so happy that Oliver was back to his old self.

  Weeks went by, and everything was going uphill for me. Oliver and I hung out a lot more, I made more friends, we won a couple of quidditch matches, and Stephen was nowhere around me. I was a happy girl. Christmas was coming up and I wanted to get something for Oliver. I know that he is a big fan of the Scottish quidditch team, so I had an idea on what to get him. I didn't really want to go back home for the holidays. I made new friends and I didn't want to leave them. I went with a couple friends, Angelina and Alicia, to Hogsmeade for Christmas shopping. I bought some things for my mother and was looking for something for Oliver. As I was walking around, I bumped into someone. It was the keeper from the Scottish quidditch team. "I'm sorry," he said. "It's fine. But can I ask you a favor? My friend is a huge fan of you guys and I was wondering if you could autograph something for him?" "Sure, anything for a fan." He grabbed the jersey I had and signed it. "Thank you so much." He gave me a smile and a nod and walked away. This was the perfect thing for Oliver.

  Today was the last day at Hogwarts before the holidays. I got Oliver's present and went down to the Great Hall. I slid the present towards him. "Is this for me?" "Maybe." He smiled and opened the package. He picked it up and started at it in awe. "No, you're kidding me. Did you? Oh my god, this is amazing!" He gave me a huge hug. I was so glad he liked it. "Thank you so so much." "Anything for a friend." He pulled back and reached over the table. "I got you something." He handed me a little box. I opened it slowly. As I opened the lid, I gasped in awe. It was a little heart locket with the word 'm'lady' engraved in the heart. I gave him a huge hug. "Thank you so much Oliver. This is the best present I've ever gotten." He smiled back at me. I gave him the locket so he could put it on. I turned around and pulled my hair up. He wrapped the piece of jewelry around my neck. It was so pretty. I gave him another hug. "The trains will be leaving soon!" a voice shouted. "We should get going." We grabbed our stuff and headed to the train. We sat together and told embarrassing stories about each other. The train came to a stop. "I'll see ya later, m'lady." "See ya later Oliver." He smiled, leaned over, and kissed me on the cheek. They turned a dark red. I guess he just had that affect on me.

  It was Christmas Eve and my mother and I were lounging around, watching Christmas movies on tv. I went upstairs to grab a sweatshirt, when I heard a tap on my window. I pulled back the curtains to see Oliver, standing on my ledge. "Oliver, what are you doing here?" He jumped into my room. "I missed you and wanted to talk to you." He really missed me that much? "My brother had his girlfriend over for the holidays and they were talking about their relationship. I asked my brother how you know when you like someone. He told me that when you feel something deep within yourself, you know." "Yeah." I had no clue where this was going. "I felt it. I felt that feeling deep within myself. I realized that... I like you. I really like you. I have since that day on the train. I felt that something whenever I was with you. I like you." I was at a loss for words. Oliver liked me? I didn't know what to say. "Oliver-," and before I could finish, he kissed me.

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