He's a Keeper// Chapter 17

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        I sat outside the Hospital Wing. I was fumbling with my fingers. Oliver might not make it. I was getting worried. Nobody had said anything to me about him yet. I was sitting there for two hours. A nurse walked out of the Wing. "How is he?" She looked me in the eyes. "He made it, but there were some problems. He got a lot of water in his body, which isn't good. We don't know if we got it all and if he'll be okay in the future." "Can I see him?" She nodded and brought me in. I saw Oliver on a bed. He looked horrible. He opened his eyes. "Hey m'lady." I ran into his arms. His shirt was stained with my tears. "Why did you do it?" "He threatened my family, he threatened you, I couldn't take it." "But you could've died. You said that you will always be with me. I could've lost you." His eyes were full of worry. "I'm sorry. I was selfish and....." I just brought him into another hug. "No, I would've done the same thing." He was going to speak,  it started coughing. It wasn't a good cough. I was going to give him water, but that might make it worse. "Sorry," he said with a raspy voice. I liked when he had a raspy voice, but not this being the reason. "I don't know how much longer I-" "Shh," I interrupt him. I knew that he was telling me he would die. I didn't want to think of it. He picked up my chin, looked me in the eyes, and kissed me. "Do you want to walk around?" I just nodded. He took my hand and we walked out the wing. We walked by many worried students, wondering how he was doing. He just ignored all of them. We sat on the pier by the lake. We sat there, staring at the sunset. He started coughing again. I knew that wasn't a good sign. I didn't want to think like that, but we knew it was the truth. He knew that he was probably going to die. I didn't want to believe it. "It's gonna be okay." He intertwined his hand with mine. I leaned on his side. "Violet, will you promise me something?" "Anything." He took a breath. "When I'm gone, promise me you'll move on. You will find a guy that will treat you right. A guy that won't put you through pain like I did." I felt the tears falling. "Can we not think of that right now?" He stopped talking. We just kept watching the sunset. I didn't want him to go.

  The next morning, I went down to the hospital wing to help Oliver to his classes. Finals were coming up, and we were stressed. We tried to study, but Oliver couldn't stop coughing. I was getting worried. We walking to class when we spotted him. He had a devious smirk across his lips. "Violet, don't." I walked over to Stephen and pushed him against the wall. "What the heck is wrong with you? Oliver could be dead because of you. You are evil. Never come near me again." I walked back to Oliver. "You shouldn't have done that." "I had to teach him a lesson. One sec." I walked back to Stephen, and punched him in the jaw, hard. "I love you," Oliver said. I walked over and kissed him. "Nobody messes with my Oliver." "I'm yours?" "Always." He smiled, took my hand, and we walked to class. Man, that felt good.

  "Violet, Violet!" I got up, only to meet Brandon's eyes. He was there with Angelina and a few other members of the quidditch team. "What's happening?" "It's Oliver. He had a hard time breathing in the middle of the night. They took him to the hospital wing." I shot out of bed and ran to the wing. I ran as fast as I could. I was worried about Oliver. What if he was leaving me? What if he went tonight? I wasn't ready for that to happen. I ran in, only to find a few nurses. "Where's Oliver?" "They took him to St. Mungo's." I fell to the floor crying. I didn't know what to think. Brandon grabbed my shoulder. "Get a broom." I got up and we ran to where we keep our brooms. I hoped on and flew as fast as I could. I needed to get to Oliver.

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