Everlasting Ink

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[ Era 684 - X18]

[ Serena's POV ]

"Well, they're gone now; I'm all alone in this big castle. I don't know what to do, or even were to start. This place is so big." I say to myself, looking around the throne room. The throne...my throne, looked so beautiful. My heart feels warm and soft when I look at it.

"Your majesty! I'm glad you've awaken, how was your nap?" Aiden asks, a big old tome like book coddled in his arms.

That right, I went to sleep after the girls left, it's weird though, this feeling of waking up in another world. I wonder just how different this place really is. "It was fine thanks, hey what's that?" I ask, pointing to the book.

"Oh this old thing, it's a history book, about elf culture and what everything was like. It's also a pretty good source of spells too. Some of the first spells used by our people are here, but for you I'd start with basics." He gases at the cover, dark purple with a golden Chinese dragon coiled on the front, and a golden 2 laid on the bottom right hand corner of the cover. "I was planning on teaching it to you, err well, at least the history anyway, then after that we're going to go to the courtyard and have a little magic lesson, to brush up on your skills." He had a big smile on his face.

Great more learning, sometimes I dread the old desk and whiteboard mentality of school, but I trust that Aiden's lecture won't be too boring. "Um Aiden, were is everyone? The castle feels a lot emptier then earlier." Actually this place always feels empty to me, but in a peaceful way. I bet I can find some good reading spots here.

"Ah yes. Your council is away on business. Your Treasurer is currently in Latro working on a trading deal, the head of your royal guard is on his way to Umbra to study combat methods with General Victus, and the head of your secret service is um..." He states, and then looks away sheepishly.

"What's wrong?" I say innocently. Where ever he is I'm sure it's not that bad of a place.

He rubs the back of his head in embarrassment. "He's at a whore house in the city your majesty. He can be quite vulgar sometimes." He carries the book on his side "Shall we begin our lesson?" He leads me to the same study that we were in earlier.

I sit on the sofa, mentally preparing myself for a few hours of utter boredom. He takes off his pearl white jacket, with golden buttons making it look very prestigious, underneath he was wearing a grey dress shirt, and white dress pants, with a black and gold belt and black dress shoes. Then he set the book down, opened to a page at the beginning, and started to talk.

"Ok, first let's start with the beginning. There are a few more of these ancient books, each held by royalty in each kingdom, we have the second one, The dragons have the first one, The sea kingdom in Qiode have the third one, Priests in Sylva are said to have the fourth one, the humans in Latro have the fifth one, The fire kingdom of Incedium have the sixth one, and Its rumored that the King of Crustalos has a seventh book, but I don't believe rumors. Now these books have a big part in our culture as a planet. They're like portals to our past, letting us peer through, learning everything about ourselves."

He seems to be one of those people that talk with his hands, so this wasn't so bad. This is supposed to be history, right now it feels like fantasy to me, but at the same time everything is settling in my heart. Lately I've been getting the impression that I've been here for ages.

"It's written here, that the authors of the books were the ancient nomads of Caleum, during our first days. The first Guardians, angles assisting the twin goddesses, were tasked to write down everything about each main race. Six guardians in total, one for each book, although it's rumored that there was a seventh. A man the humans worshiped as the son of the all father. I believe they called him Jesus, which is weird because guardians don't have names, but I digress. When the twin gods went back to sleep, they told the guardians to watch over Caleum and guide earth to a better direction. By no means were they immortal, before they too went to sleep, they gave each leader in the five countries a tome, tasked to learn and teach it to all those who live there for the rest of their days. This is all I'll say about them for now."

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