Is This For Real?

181 7 1

[ Era 684 - X16]

[Tiana's P.O.V ]

"Momma, poppa!" The door burst open as two figures came running in the room. One of figures was a woman, she looked absolutely beautiful through the moonlight from the window. She had shoulder length black hair with a streak of red, soft gold eyes and was wearing a black nightgown. The other figure was a handsome man. He was dark skinned, with deep blue eyes and fair black hair. Though he wasn't wearing a shirt the moonlight showed his well built torso, with a tattoo of an angel and demon wing together on his left peck but he was wearing blue pants. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" The woman asked me as she sat on the right side of the bed and the man on the other. "M-Monsters." I said before clinging onto the woman and began to cry. "What monsters, little one?" The man asked. "I- I was sleeping and these monsters were trying to h-hurt me." The man gently rubbed my back trying to calm me down. "I know night terrors are terrible, but remember if you have another one, dream of your mother and me fighting them. Alright?" The man told me, I nod. "Try to get some sleep. If they return then you can come sleep with us. Okay sweetie?" The women said with a soft voice. "O-Okay." Then she tucked me back in and both of them kissed me on the cheeks.


My eyes cracked open to the sound of the annoying alarm clock, glancing over to see the time it read 7:56 am. Letting out a groan I pulled myself out of bed and got myself for school. My name is Tiana Munroe, short facts I'm dark skinned have shoulder length ombre hair that starts off black then goes to a light brown and have sapphire blue eyes. Anyways, after taking a shower I changed into a plain white shirt, dark skinny jeans, camouflage jacket and white Nike sneakers. Grabbing my Transformers backpack, phone, wallet and car keys I headed downstairs. Entering the kitchen I noticed a note on the table. It was from my parents saying they're working late again and left me money to order out. I wasn't surprised because my parents work top jobs, my dad as an anesthesiologist and my mother as a surgeon. Throwing away the note and taking the money where they normally left it for me I headed out the door to my 2013 black Ford Fusion hybrid. Pulling out of the driveway I drove down the street to pick up my friends, as I drove away I couldn't help but think about the dream I had last night. For some reason I've been getting those types of dreams lately, however, I'm not the only one. My best friends who I've known since the fourth grade Destiny and Michelle have been getting them too, this was pretty weird. I stopped in front of a house and called my friend Destiny Jones.


"Hey, I'm outside."

"Okay, for a minute I thought you weren't coming." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Now are you coming outside or I can give Michelle a ride and forget about you."

"Alright I'm coming." After waiting five minute Destiny came out wearing a grey sweatshirt with the word 'GENIUS' in white bold, teal skinny jeans and matching grey Adidas. She was dark skinned as well, had those long braids that reached to the center of her back and wore glasses over her hazel eyes.

"About time you showed up." She said after entering the car.

"I'm here aren't I?"

"Were you really going to pick up Michelle and leave me?" I sighed before driving away and going to the next stop.

"Call Michelle. Tell her to come outside."

"Okay." Minutes later I stop in front at Michelle Dane's house. Michelle came rushing out the door and quickly enter the car with a loud slam.

"Whoa Michelle what's up with you?" Asked Destiny while Michelle fixed up her shoulder length blonde hair and her glasses over her blue eyes, looking at her outfit she was wearing a plain long sleeve purple top, dark jeans, black and white converse, and matching purple backpack.

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