Royal Awakening

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[ Era 684 - X16]

[ Aria's P.O.V ]

I felt the sensation of sunlight caress my body. My sides were sore and my legs felt a little numb. Still thinking I was in Tiana's room, I started to move around, trying to feel her soft black and blue bedspread. I felt something weird underneath my fingertips. It was prickly and sharp but it also felt soft. The fresh smell of Kentucky blue grass filled my nose. Thank the lord I don't have any allergies. I was debating on whether I should open my eyes or lay down for a few more minutes just to enjoy the sun, but before I could make my decision I felt a pair of soft sturdy hands violently shake me until I felt like I was going to puke.

"Ah What the hell!" I screamed while struggling to gain control.

"Shhh it's ok Aria, its me Titus." He grabs my hand and puts me around his shoulder. I looked up at him and saw his sexy close shave. For a moment all I thought about was sliding my lips across his smooth handsome face. Its really sunny out. All I hear are birds chirping and the movements of what sounds like horses.

"Where are we? This place looks beautiful." I say while looking around.

"Im glad you think so. This is Rekina, Serena's kingdom. Pretty isn't it.?" He holds on to me a little tighter. I wrap my arms around him, hinting that I want to be carried.

"Where are the others?" I ask, with a worried tone. I had completely forgotten, Titus's beauty had distracted me from realizing what happened.

"Your friends are safe don't worry, they're being taken care of as we speak." He started to walk towards a white horse dressed in shiny silver armor, and a light brown saddle. "Easy does it, be careful now." He helped me onto the back of the horse. I wanted him to mess up and touch my butt, but that didn't happen. Was it wrong for me to fantasize over my extremely hot advisor? Probably.

"I got it I'm fine. " I wasn't fine. I couldn't ride a horse for my life. The last time I rode a horse was when I was 7, next to an old YMCA. This red headed lady pulled the horse in a small circle. I had fun for like 3 seconds, the rest was awkward because of the giant pile of horse manure. Realizing I was off in a whole other dimension of thought I quickly came back to reality, not noticing that Titus was pulling my horse along while riding his sleek black horse with shiny silver armor. A purple moon with a blue north star was painted on the left side of his horses armor. He was riding on my right side but I was trailing behind.

"Its getting cold!" Titus screams behind him. "Here take this!" He reaches behind him and pulls out a silk black hooded cloak from his pack and tosses it to me.

"Thanks, Its really cool!" I yell to him as I put the cloak on. It was getting pretty windy. "But what about you?" I wouldn't want him to catch a cold. Course It wouldn't hurt to watch him lye in bed all sweaty.... and hot...with no shirt. 'No! Dont wander off now!' I thought to myself. By the time I caught up to reality. He had on a smooth royal blue jacket, that seemed to be made out of polyester and cotton. We walked for about 10 more minutes. The sun was slowly going down.

"The sunset looks beautiful.." I shouted. He was slouched forward on his horse. He seemed really tired. We watched together as the sun went down over the next 3 minutes.

"We're almost there!" He shouted as he lead the horses over a hill. The stars were now twinkling above us. I slowly started to fall asleep. I could feel my eyes get heavier and heavier until..

"There they are!" Titus shouted. He pointed down the winding dirt road. Aiden and Damien were waving at us from down the hill. Tiana and Michelle were behind them on spotted brown horses with matching armor.

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