Dark Side of the Moon

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~ A/N: Hey guys! I worked really hard on this chapter so I hope you like it. Only 2 more chapters and a special short left. Enjoy! ^_^ -@Aria-Senpai ~

[ Era 684 - X43]

[Crescent War ~ Part 2]

Flying this many miles puts a strain on my glossy white feathered wings. Loud thuds effortlessly filled the ear drums of my hired help. These Crystal Skull people are a bunch of filthy bone crushing degenerates. But they were help non the less, so I couldn't complain much.

"Oi, Parus! You spacing out over there?" Gram yelled at me from atop my pearl colored scaly back. He was a slender young man, of normal build with gelled black hair. A bright purple suit fitted him. Gram also had on funky blue shades. He was an odd young fellow, who liked doing things far outside the norm. Sure you could call him crazy, most people did.

I rolled my eyes and groaned under my breath.

"Whats the matter old man, tired?" Mimi shouted, gracefully riding an alicorn above my left wing. Its gradient baby blue died hair swaying in the wind as we flew together. Her short light pink hair curled, just reaching neck length. A frilly white dress clung to her. It was cut short with other peaces of fabric jetting out of the poufs at the bottom. She also had a spotty personality, with a bit of insanity peppered in. These two were the only generals i'd brought with me from headquarters. Countless other grunts flew behind us. Mounting pegasus' as dark as the night sky, and as striking as twinkling stars. Who wore no metal, but had on dark purple robes made of fine fabric instead. Their skull insignia lined their chest. Most carried staffs, and swords made of crystal, similar to what the humans use to forge their steel. A material used in the fight against dragons.

My wings weighted down on me as we moved closer the shore. The coastline could be seen inching towards us from afar. "Too much on my mind." I groaned as the sea air filled my steamed nostrils. I reeked of oil and ash.

"Leave him alone Mimi, he's too busy planning on who to eat first." Gram laughs, bouncing around my back like a small child.

"Shut your trap Gram, He's not a monster like those other draikes he used to work for." She spits.

"We're going to kill kids! What do you think is going to happen?" Gram yells. The winds voice dies down as i flap softer. Gliding across the land.

"Shut up! Honestly you two bicker like children." I shout gliding down to the grassy plains before me. nothing was around, only grass, trees, and exotic plants. The likes of witch i've never scene before.

Mimi elegantly tip toes around the crops as we move through the biome. The guild's army trekking close behind us. I towered over them, not caring about the leftovers I left on my feet. "Ew what is this stuff? Its all orange and squishy and gross." She wines.

Gram follows my lead, and tramples all over the crops and we move along. "Haha no they have to plant new ones."

"Gram don't! What are they going to eat now?" She pouted.

"I don't gives a rats ass what happens to these creatures. After all, we are sending them to hell." He carelessly explains, resting his hands behind his head. My shadow casts behind me, stretching into the first row of our forces as my feet sound loud booms through the plains. The sun was high up today, so I blocked it's rays from them. I'm sure some men appreciated the shade I provided.

The clouds started to gather, blocking most of the suns light. The heat died down a bit. My wings were less sore then before so I thought its be ok to start flying again. Looking up at the blue sky. I wondered weather the humans truly deserved the punishment I would bring. Then Mimi cleared all doubts in my mind.

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