Sweet Poison Part 1

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[ Era 684 - X30]

[ Aria's POV ]

A/N: "Aura" Is a hidden magic presence that dragons, Elves, Angles, and Demons can sense. They use aura to measure a persons 'power level' or magic strength. It is also used to gauge how a person feels about a certain person or object. (Good, bad, etc.) 

After sometime, I end up going to Titus's room to see him, but he wouldn't see me. He often shut himself out, not coming to council, not coming to public meetings in the throne room either. He just goes off to be alone. I don't know why he's so depressed. Even if this is about Crystal Skull, I doubt they're a problem I can't handle myself.

"Even during the transition into the human world, he would often be alone here in the castle. He refused to see us and most days he would shift into his dragon form and fly off to god knows where." Stilio told me while we were sitting around the council room. It was really hot today and we were super bored. Parus was off taking care of business somewhere in the city, and Titus has locked himself in his room all day. So today it was just Stilio and I. This time we talked about Heaven (Caleum) and how the dragons came to be. Sometimes I felt bad for speaking so highly of myself and the other draikes. But it seems that's just how people are here...prideful.

"Gah! Stilio I can't take it anymore, I'm so bored I could scream!" I stand up and shout from leaning back in my seat. Stilio leaned back in his chair, practicing his violin. He watched as my long black tail swung around violently when my emotions went sour.

"A dragon's emotions are better left plain." He muttered to himself.

"What was that?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his hands and apologizes. "Oh it was nothing. Just Parus rubbing off on me." He gets up as well and walks over to where I am, by the window. To pass the time by we look down on the city of Umbra. Soon something big and round caught my eye. It was the colosseum I went to with Victoria and the gang. It was a little scary watching those men kill each other.

"Hey Stilio, do you want to go to the colosseum again?" I ask as we gaze out the window together.

His hands were folded behind his back. The dull green jacket with black buttons he wore was open, revealing a plain white t-shirt with a black edgy dragon design on the bottom of it. He wore dark blue jeans and had white shoes on. His hair was jelled back apart from the right side being shaved. He had on golden earnings, and kept a suave smile on his face. Sometimes he could be quite the lady killer.

"Sure sure, whatever you want to do. Tho..."

I quickly look at him. "What is it?"

He closed his his eyes and softly smiled. "Wouldn't it be more fun if you fought?"

I jumped back in surprise. "M-Me!? Are you kidding? I could never fight. At least...that's what I think." He doesn't say anything. Stilio just keeps looking out the window peacefully.

"Well, my handmaiden keeps telling me that I'm amazing in battle, and Parus speaks highly of me to other lords. Then there's Titus." I giggle

"I've heard him fangirl over my magic before...I'm sure he'd love watching me fight." Then it hit me. "Oh my gosh!"

That broke Stilio's deep thought. He flinched as I leaned in to side hug him. "Oh Stilio you're a genius!"

He sighed "What did I do?"

I raise my hands with excitement. "We should have Titus watch me fight! That will surely make him feel better." I jump around with happiness. Partly because of my good idea, and the other part because i was beyond bored at this point.

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