Humans... wait, what?

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[ Era 684 - X18]

[ Nikita's POV ]

Living in a place where two species who should be sworn enemies come here to be together and live in peace makes me feel happy on the inside. From what my maid tells me Kiluna is the birth place for angels and demons who wish to be together without being judge.

She explained to me that it was my ancestor Javan, who was an angel. He fell in love with a demon named Leilah. Her beauty caught his attention and his gold heart caught the demon's attention. He knew this feeling he had for her was forbidden but he couldn't help it. When they first met Javan felt everything has stopped and she made him have the urge to protect her and always stay by her side to make her happy.

Leilah on the other hand had no interest in him at all and despised him for what he was. Her night black, waist length hair, her ice cold gold eyes, ruby red full lips, beautiful pale skin, curvy body in contrast to his warm ivory skin, soft green eyes, lean but build body and dark brown hair. And the way she was strong and independent was making him go crazy inside. So Javan decided he would try to prove his worthy to her every time they would come across each other and every time he did something to show her how much he cared about her. When the demon began to notice what he was doing she soon started to fall in love with him.

That's what I heard from Moonstar, but I know there's more to the story. Whenever I ask her about it she always changes the subject. So I went and ask my head of security Armaros but when I ask him he tense up and tells me to talk to some people called the Elders. I don't bother asking my advisor because he and I keep disagreeing on things whether it's clothes, eating even sleeping. Damien has been on my ass lately since I healed Kiluna and yet, I haven't seen him at all. I wonder what is his up to?

I know I'm the ruler of this place but before I should start ruling it's only fair that I learn about my culture, the history and more important why my parents did what they feel like they had to do. But for the most part I love Kiluna! This village is the kind who works hard and they're not afraid to get their hands dirty. I can't explain it but just being here makes me feel I've been here all my life.

For the past few days my routine is taking a morning walk and every time I go it warms my heart to see the same time. Everyone is smiling at me, children running around, the smell of bake goods fills my nose and everyone is enjoying their day. After the walk, I visit a few places like the bakery and the clothes store, then go to my father's study room where he has stacks and stacks of all kinds of books. From medicine to recipes he has them all and I remain in his studies all day until dinner then take a bath and go to sleep where I would dream of memories of me when I was younger being here.

Today I just finished my morning walk along with visiting my normal stops and now going to my father's study room.

'I wonder how the girls are doing; I bet they're doing fine considering their advisors don't give them headaches.' I sigh as I enter the room to see Damien standing with his back to me reading a book. Shutting the door the sound made him turn around to see me. He was wearing a tight, dark blue long sleeve shirt, black pants with black shoes with his long sword attached to his hips as usual. I give him a small smile before sitting in my father's chair and picked up the book I was reading the night before that was on the desk. Hearing him put the book away and footsteps coming closer to me my body started to tense up.

"I see you changed your wardrobe." He says. Looking down I'm wearing a long, black one shoulder, sleeve dress that hugged my body perfectly and has a gold belt with matching black heels and gold earrings. I had my hair straighten and didn't bother wearing my crown.

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