New problems

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[ Era 684 - X35]

[ Nikita's POV ]

The day was cloudy and gloomy as I feel nothing for the past few days. I've been giving my advisor the silent treatment and whenever he suggest something it was either a shrug for yes or remain still for no. I sat on my throne with my face sitting on my hand with no emotion and sense of something has died fills the air.

"Your highness." Armaros came walking into the throne room and bowed. Though I was feeling dead Armaros was the only person who gave me this warm to my cold body. I spent most of my days hanging out with him including my martial arts.

"Armaros, what is?" I sit up straight paying more attention to the head of security than advisor.

"My queen you have a visitor." I sigh and laid back.

"And who is this visitor?" Instead of answering he turned as the person walked in and my eyes widened. "Aria?"

She came walking in with Titus on her left. Two guards followed close behind. They were armored up and were fully equipped with white and black swords. It felt strange to see her so guarded.

"Hey." She smiles, walking up to the throne she gracefully bows.

"My apologies" Titus bows as well, "We showed up a few days earlier then expected. We were planning on sending you a letter in advance." He laughs scratching the back of his head. "Hey Damian, what's new?"

"So much." He whispers under his breath. I felt relieved but confused on why she was  here? I ran and gave her a big hug. it surprised the staff a bit. She hugs me back and laughs a little. 

"Sorry to come in unannounced like this, but there is a big issue we'd like to address." she began. Her face turns serious. Titus puts both his hands behind his back and goes into serious mode as well.

"Such a matter can only be discussed in person." He calmly explains. "We'd like to request and audience with you and the rest of your council." 

Tilting my head to side I gave a pout. I was hoping we could chat about life and stuff, because I really need her advice right now.  I guess important stuff comes first. Turning to my head of security, I spoke "Armaros tell the maids to bring some red wine to the meeting room please." Armaros bows then leaves after ordering one of the maids to contact the elders.

"Follow me to the meeting room." I made sure my friend was close by my side. I don't know why but i felt the aura around me and it made me feel immensely sad inside. I wanted to cry, things felt really depressing today. Through the corner of her eye, Aria noticed my distress.

"Are you ok?" She asks as we walk into council hall. A big round table in the center of the room, there was black drapes covering the windows, a gold chandelier hanging above the room looked a bit eerie but I've grown attached to it. The elders were already sitting down on the far end of the table next to each other while two maids were pouring glasses of wine on the table. The elders seemed surprised to see Aria, but elder Raven looked very nervous.

I sigh and put on a fake smile.

"Shall we?" Aria says. Soon everyone started taking their seats. I switftly grabbed Aria by the arm and made her sit next to me before Damien could. He and the elders were a little surprised by my actions but I ignored them anyways. Aria just rolled with it.

"Queen Aria, its a pleasure to see you as well as you, my queen. Welcome to Kiluna." Started elder Telemuch. She smiles at them.

"The pleasure is all mine, it's been a while." Aria says. Titus sits next to Aria, and Damian, next to Titus. Damian looked confused.

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