Battle at Fort Meyer

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~A/N: Hey guys Aria here. I really hope you like this chapter because it too me SO LONG to write it. I put allot of work into it, more then usual. So enjoy. There will be just one more chapter after this one. ~ Aria-Senpai

[ Era 684 - X43]

[The Crescent War ~ Fort Meyer]

[Vienna's POV]

We marched along the Bostain meadows for what seemed like hours. trudging in long lines that vastly stretch behind us. Every time I look behind me I see the faint grey shadows of two overwhelming dragons duking it out in what was left of our glorious city. Loud booms pulsed into the air as they flew up into the sky. Clashing claws like swords with daggers for teeth. They tore into each other as they ripped the sky.

I look up from staring at my feet for the past 40 minutes. They had nothing around them. My soles were sore and blisters covered them. I held on the dirty handmade fabric that was my cloth dress. I had a frail dude rag holding up my long thick black hair. My pale white skin burned underneath the sun, and these vile dragons fighting behind us was only making it hotter.

"Vienna, Where are they taking us? Do you know?" My sweet husband whispered over to me. He trudged along as I walked on the edge of a five man thick line. Other fellow humans of our lonely society walked this unknown path with us. Our young daughter held onto her fathers neck as he carried her on his back.

"I don't know Marcus, why would I?" I silently yell.

He kept motioning for me to ask the officer near us. She was female, dressed in fine Sideralace garbs. Her cape gracefully swayed behind her as the winds kicked up and the heat died down a bit. Peering above the crowd while on my toes, I glance at the line ahead of us. All I could see was more sad faces, heads hanging low.

Everyone was depressed and angry. We had all wondered for the past hour why these Crescent soldiers were pulling us out of our homes. Why two dragons chose our city to clash horns was beyond me.

"Mommy?" Our daughter asked softy.

"Yes Sarah?" Her hair was a soft hazel brown. It fell gently on her shoulders. Sarah wore a simple cloth dress, average style for a young girl four years of age.

"Where are we going?" A sad note lined her voice.

"I don't know my love. I'll ask." Nervously I walk a little farther outside the line. We were coming up a hill so the lag in speed gave me just enough time to catch up to the officer, her stag trudged slowly, shiny gold trinkets hung from his antlers. His gold and silver chain mail armor lined his sides with the kingdoms sigil printed on it.

"Um..excuse me?" I shout above everyone's whispers. Raising my hand to a call.

Through the slit in her helmet, I could tell she rolled her eyes at me.

"What is it human!?" She heartily shouted.

Nervous, I held back my fear and clasp my hands in a small panic.

"Where are we headed too? Im tired and my feet are killing me. I don't have any shoes, my daughters hungry-"

"Stop your incessant screeching! We'll tell you what to do when we get to the fort. Until then get back in line and keep quiet!" She turned forward picked up speed, riding ahead. I looked down at my feet and tried my best to hold back the tears. My husband held my hand. Gazing at me softly with his warm brown eyes and jet black wild hair. Sarah was now on my left, clasping my other hand for comfort.

"It'll be alright." He started. "From what she said. It sounds like were headed to fort Meyer. That's the closest one to Bostain." Fort Meyer, The oldest fort in Latro. It was the castle our first king lived in before our nations decent into endangerment. It was once the pinnacle of human society. A beacon for hope and a chance for world dominance again. Now its just a sad reminder that the dragons step all over us. They've long seized are old lands, and bountiful resources. Many nights were filled with the bellowing screams of Crescent dragons patrolling our skies, watching us like troubled children.

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