Power Struggle

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[ Era 684 - X43]

[ The Crescent War ~ Part 1]

"Aria! Face forward!" Vicious shouted from atop his mount. The Lacerta, A long hulking lizard with cute thin ears that jetted out of the side of its face like ours. They looked like a cross between a Komodo dragon and a rhino. They were intimidating non the less, so it took me almost a week to learn how to ride one properly. Even now i'm having a little trouble riding the Lacerta

"Im trying i'm trying." I complained. The saddle felt so weird as the beast was making its rounds around the training field. Over in the distance our soldiers could be seen training themselves. Using long dragon themed spears, while other groups learned how to better be acquainted with bows. No doubt this was going to be a magic fight, but how far is Parus really going to take this. No matter the case, these men are prepared to die, for me and their country, even for the humans.

Taking all this into account, I decided to go take a break. Fidgeting on the lacerta i jump off, just barley landing on my feet; no grace involved. Today I had on a version of our nations black armor, but mine was thinner, more leather/cloth rather then heavy chain mail. Sure there were sections of hard armor with a pearl white border. In areas like my breast, my knees and my waste, but I need flexibility and mobility when i fight so Titus had this hand made with cloth sections in between all the other parts. He wanted to surprise me this morning before training.

The sun blazed down on us as I slowly walked to my smooth white tent, put up in the fields of Latro. We weren't on home soil anymore so Victus says we should be as prepared as possible, and with dragons forbidden from war. We had to fly our forces here before Parus arrives. I sat down at my desk and fiddled through stat papers, and war summons that I had wrote to unified kingdoms across our borders. So the other lords got the message, not just the capital kingdoms are contributing to this war. I sent another to Kiluna's capital as a reminder, then one to Sideralace's capital; to catch them up. "No doubt Hectate hates me more now." I sigh as my handmaiden Ellie wipes the sweat off my forehead.

"Its alright your majesty, I'm sure Hectate and the other lords will be here soon." She says brushing my helmet hair.

"Ellie.." I say softly

"Yes my queen?"

"Do you think the girls are mad at me? About this war and all."

"Of coarse not, everyone is willing to fight with you. No questions asked." She reassured me with a smile. I knew the people here were painting this lie that we are the most important, but when i wanted to feel safe, i believed that lie.

Victus walks in, letting in the intense heat and sunlight from outside seep into the tent. Latro had a rather warm tropical climate most of the year. But today was a pretty hot day.

"My queen, a young man from the city has come with a message for you." He tells me with such discipline. I wasn't in the mood. All the stress of coming up with a reasonable plan for the war, waiting for the tactician, and worrying about food and water for my men. It was all giving me a pounding headache.

"Im not in the mood, just take a message." I motion my hand for him to leave.

"But my queen, its very important." Victus sounds unsure.

"Victus, I said-" Just as i was about to scold him in a calm angry tone. The messenger brushed past Victus and came into the tent, uninvited mind you. "Yes young man. Can I help you?" i say in a passive aggressive tone. The young man looked a bit frightened. We must look pretty intimidating. 3 sets of dragon eyes staring at him.

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