So it Continues

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[ Era 684 - X26]

[ Aria's POV ]

The day goes on. The arena fight continues and two men with sword magic go at each other in a war zone setting created by the lacrama crystal. Surprisingly the host asks for my permission to let them fight their life away, till one man dies. Everyone in the audience looked at me, even the people fighting. I didn't know what to do but Titus saved me again. He put his hand on my thigh and I blushed as he whispered in my ear. "It's ok, just say yes." I do as he says and nod my head slowly.

One of the men was pinned down by the other, and both their helmets were throne off somewhere. Armor covered in each others blood, it was clear who the winner was. After my ruling the one on top smiled and the other had an emotionless face. He shifted into a large dragon, (going from extra small to gigantic) spread his silver wings out wide, then burned the other one alive in a blaze of blue fire, armor and all. After the fight some old green draike in blue overalls cleaned up the man's bones and gave them to some women. I'm guessing his wife. She cried. Afterwards Veronica left. She said she had some business to take care of and that she'd send me owl mail.

"Titus... Why did you have me do that? That man didn't want to die?" I said while we were walking home. Well he was sitting in front of me in one of those man carted carriages. The government system in Asteasia seemed to be emperor styled instead of monarch styled. He laughed as we were being carried through cobble stone streets. I quickly glanced out the window and saw rows of people lined up like this was a parade. Guards walked on both sides and people waved and cheered for me. I guess they don't see me often.

"Stop laughing this isn't funny." I spout, punching him in the arm. He smiles and ignores the hit.

"I'm sorry beastie. It's only funny because your being cute." he says giving me this sexy ass smile. I blush a little.

"What are you talking about?" I cross my arms and look out the window.

"The host only asked because you were watching. Aria, I don't think you understand. To us, monstrous beasts with a life span too far over the horizon. Our lives are empty and long. It's an honor to die in your presence and its considered an easy ticket into heaven." He had a serious face on.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"He wanted to die. To us a dragon's life is like a game you can't quit from. He's probably been alive for at least a decade before he was blessed to have you come watch one of his fights. He could finally die with honor and valor. Put to rest by the thought of him entertaining his queen.

"So what of the victor?" We arrived at the castle and the servants helped us out.

"He gets a substantial amount of gold. As a reward and an incentive to keep fighting." We walk up to the gate and up the steps to the castle. Two servants open the doors for us. Titus walks me up to my room. I sit on the bed and watch as he loosens the little tie thing he was wearing and unbuttons his jacket.

"What are you doing!?" I blush. He climbs on the bed and closes his eyes.

"What do you mean? I'm sleeping." The bed had a silk mosquito cover on it so from the outside it looked pretty inappropriate. I hit him and laughed.

"Cut it out. Stop messing with me." by this time I was already in my night gown just a long light pink silk dress with a matching silk robe. The gown was pretty revealing so I wouldn't take the robe off until he left.

"Aww but it's fun." He smirked, rolling on top of me. We were giggling and laughing with each other until our happiness was interrupted by one of my attendants knocking at the door. Titus quickly sat up and hid by holding me from behind. I blushed really hard but tried not to let it show.

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