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Love, What is love?

Jennie. Says Rosé's heart.


"You can still back out" Lisa has been enunciating this to Rosé for 2 months now.

Rosé can't help grinning to herself as she takes off her glasses and eventually concentrates on her friend sitting across the table in her office. She's the head writer working in Lisa's company who is a director as well as her friend.

"Back out? Why would I back out?" she got up, saved her files, and gathered her things to head home.

"You don't have to marry someone you don't know" Lisa followed her while she tossed the key of her office to her secretary swapping it with her car keys.

She abruptly pivoted causing Lisa to halt on her steps, "Well that's the whole point of marriage she doesn't know me and I don't know her?"

"I can't believe this, how can you agree to an arranged marriage?" Lisa was very aghast because she had known Rosé all her life and she never thought that of all the people Rosé would be going for an arranged marriage.

Rosé sighed, " I'm 26, Lisa. I'm exhausted of living alone, and before Mom could set me up with a guy I told her that I like girls, and turns out she also has a solution for it. I don't have a problem with this marriage thing. I guess it's time to take another step in life"

Lisa withered not able to believe her ears. "You agree with marriage? Do you like the girl? Are you in love?"

Rosé began to stroll out of the place to the parking lot and like a routine, Lisa sat in the passenger seat and headed to their favourite coffee shop. Lisa won't stop looking at her friend which made Rosé eventually give in.

"I don't know... I met her once at a family assemblage for our engagement. I attempted to talk but she was there yet she wasn't I hadn't even heard her voice. All I know is she's gorgeous and of course, I like her, aren't I supposed to like my future wife?"

The thing is she never loved someone, she couldn't ever put her mind to one person. She consistently gets distracted by her work or future or whatever, no one stays permanent in her life except Lisa, who was the only friend she relied on blindly.

Lisa snickered constricting her eyes at her friend, "So you agree to get married because you like this girl?" she teasingly voiced hitting Rosé by her elbow.

Rosé glared at her, "I'm driving!"

"You should at least talk to her" Lisa suggested.

Lisa freaked out when she finds out Rosé was getting married, she had a lot of plans for her best friend's dating life or how she gonna fuck up Rosé by bullying her at the workplace since Rosé invariably got the upper hand and still disparage her about her previous dating history though she never get to experience that or she never even get to experience to see her best friend in love.

"Talk what?" Rosé shrugged parking the car.

"Do you even know anything about this girl? What she does or do you even know her name? I have never seen you saying her name once or even speaking to her on the phone at work. It doesn't feel like you even want to get married, everything seems... Monotonous"

"So you want me to talk to my fiancé during working hours?" she chuckled.

"Come on! Don't you get it? It doesn't feel like you're getting married tomorrow" she clamoured not understanding what was even going on in her friend's head.

Rosé ordered her coffee as they sat right across each other in the same place, they had been sitting for 13 years. Where Lisa first told Rosé about her sexuality and Rosé told her about wanting to be a writer. From their first school crushes to marriage, they both recognise how far they have come by looking at their favourite drinks.

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