Chapter 7

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She already has left for work when I got out of the shower leaving a note beside my breakfast saying 'Don't you dare to leave beans I would know if you attempted to make Hunk eat it' 

Ooo... Hubby has a temper issue today.

I raised my brows at Hunk, "Come here you little hankie..." 

I made him eat beans anyway because how would she know? She's not here. She won't know. She exclusively can't, so for a clean slate I left 2 beans so she would know that I did eat it but I couldn't finish it.

At work, I didn't receive a single text from her not if she wanted to have lunch together. My body was getting hot, the more I think of her begging me to stay or how wet she was, how we both cummed solely by grinding onto each other. I can't even envision how my skin gonna seethe against her naked body, I couldn't touch her down even though her smell was addictive.

"Jesus, you're burning up so bad..." Irene put her palm on my cheek to check.

I realized what I was imagining while she was talking to me about our new collection to present those designs to the Director, and to my dad.

"I'm fine..." I shake my head massaging my cheeks in a circular motion which reminds me how I did the same with her ravishing breasts so I slapped myself for thinking so dirty, what's wrong with you, Jennie?

"What the fuck? Are you okay?" she offered me the glass of water.

I dip my fingers in cold water applying it on my cheeks to stop this searing sensation but I end up thinking how wet would it feel if I stayed home with her.

"Damn it! I need coffee..." I sulk, why am I being like this?

"But didn't Chaeyoung forbid you to drink coffee?" she lifted her brows. She only spoke Rosie's name and I heard my voice in my head lamenting for her.

"Shut up! Please... I need a break" I requested her.

She frowned, "it's only 11 am, Jennie. What's wrong with you?"

What's wrong with me? If I knew it I wouldn't be asking for a break.

"I DON'T KNOW! I—I want to go home..." the words flowing out of my mouth by itself. I want to roll down on the bed and be mad at the world for making me let my wife be angry with me.

"Take 20 mins break. I'll come back later..." she left.

As soon as she steps out of my office I grab my phone dialing Rosie's number. She didn't pick up and my desperation made me call her until she picked up.

"Jennie? I'm sorry I was taking staff briefing, are you okay? Do you want me there? Are you not feeling well?"

Her worry informed me that she still loved me, and everything was alright.

"I was... I'm sorry about earlier" I apologized spinning on my chair.

I heard her chuckling, "No, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me,"

I sneered, "Can it happen tonight as well?" I bite my lips hesitantly waiting for an answer but the line goes silent as if she put her phone on mute. "Rosie?" 

"Uh... What are you thinking? I was in—"

"I miss you... and I have been thinking of you naked beneath me since I left the house"

"Are you trying to have phone sex with me?" she chuckled and the idea did spark in my head.

Her chuckle truly pierced my heart with happiness. Her laugh was a medicine.

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