Chapter 10

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Long chapter ahead...

We ambled into the extravagant party her family organised in this hotel, like a true rich family. I used to wonder why her family was happy about the marriage since they're hella rich and I'm... well only rich I would say.

"Chaeyoung!" Mrs Kim hugged me and Jennie pulled my hand to back off. "I knew, Jennie wouldn't be able to say 'no' to you" She gave her the side eyes before taking me with her.

Our intertwined hands unlocked while Jennie reached to hold onto me though her mom dragged me out towards my family. "Chaeyoung, how are you?" My mother clutched onto me.

"Hey, mom. Where is Dad?" I look everywhere still embracing her.

"With your laws" she whispered in my ear suspiciously.

My family permanently have been suspicious of Kim and witnessing Jennie in the hospital was the confirmation of why they wanted to get rid of Jennie and marry her off to me who is not a famous, businesswoman like her so no one would care about her life anymore or stalk her.

My point of view to see the Kims changed the day I found out about Jennie's circumstances, Jennie never wanted to have an abortion and be happy with whatever life would be ahead of her until her boyfriend ditched her and ran away across the country. A dick move.

"How's life?" Mrs Kim began glimpsing at Jennie who happened to bump into Irene. "I hope she's not giving you hard times, is she?" she questioned.

Does she want to know about her? Or did she simply want to know if I knew about the child?

"She's amazing, and Congratulations on your 35th wedding anniversary" I tried to look for the gift I brought acknowledging I was wearing the short dress which meant Jennie had the box of pendants. "Excuse me..." I forced a smile striding to Jennie.

She was leaning against the counter of the bar and her eyes were starting badly, something about her stares made me feel twisted. Her eyes scrutinised me from head to toe, and my heels made her look shorter in front of me. 

"Done already? Should I call the driver?" she reached to hold my hand.

It was like we were the only ones in this packed big hall, her hand holding onto my fingers tugging me closer as she rested her hands on my hips. It was supposed to be sexy though she was looking up at me which made it adorable.

"Gift," I voiced.

She put her hand on the back of my head pulling me down, it was like she wasn't even hearing me and I certainly didn't care if Irene coughed indicating she was there too.

"Gift, Jennie..." I checked her pocket though the box wasn't there so I unbuttoned her grey blazer to check the inside pocket and she held my hands onto her lapels on the blazer.

"Not here, baby..." she snickered.

I scoffed seizing the box from her hidden chest pocket, "Don't flatter yourself..." I trekked back glancing at her last time and she had her eyes fixed on me.

It felt like a dream knowing my feelings are not mine anymore, it's ours.

"This is for you, Mrs Kim" I smiled and my mother stepped onto my foot. Fuck. "I mean mom..."

She took the gift, "You're truly the best daughter-in-law, thank you" She kissed my cheek stepping back to some of the guests as I turned to my mother.

"Mother!" I shudder.

"What? How many times do I have to tell you she's your mother-in-law, stop calling her Mrs Kim" She rolled her eyes sipping her orange juice.

I sighed, "Anyway... mother.. I—" I couldn't find the words to say it.

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