Chapter 2

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(VOte!!!!!pleaseeeee guyzzz that's all I'm asking)

Rosé's pov

"Who is the father?" I bitterly asked.

Wasn't it terrible enough to find out that she was about to abort a child who wasn't even born and now I have to listen to the father's name? Not that I care I shouldn't but how can I not? She's my wife. Now even saying her wife doesn't feel right she wasn't mine.

She had her head down peeking at her feet on the bench while I stood in front of her, she had come after me. I hope she didn't see me, I didn't want her to know how much I cared about it.

"I— he... he left...." She spoke.

My heart ached as I glanced around the park detecting so many people who were there with children, some with their family or dogs and here I was with my wife.

"What do you mean he left?" 

It was too problematic to keep it together though I have cried enough so it shouldn't be this difficult for me whereas the tears were on edge.

"He... he told me he didn't want it," she conveyed emotionlessly.

She was now honestly getting on my nerves, "Excuse me? It? The baby is not a thing, Jennie. How could you do that? You should've at least talked to your parents about it! Or maybe ask him to get married, why did you do this to me? And why were you doing this to an unborn child? 

How could be so heartless? You annihilated my life and if I didn't get there on time you could've taken your unborn child's life. You should've at least told me about it! I could've helped you to talk to your parents or—"

She snapped in rage, "What could I have done? My parents don't want me, he doesn't me, you think I wanted this? I wanted to have a life with him! I loved him.

My parents told me to do the same as he said so I made them believe that I had the abortion but I waited till the day of the wedding hoping maybe he would come but he didn't, leaving me with this choice! What am I gonna tell this child? That her father left her? I don't have a choice... no one would accept me..."

Seeing wrath on her face I glimpsed the tears she was holding onto like me. She looked so helpless liquefying my heart like it wasn't breaking though it couldn't have aching the way her heart would be aching.

If this shook me to the core then I couldn't even imagine how she was feeling, I can't imagine what she had gone through because of some guy she loved.

"Do... do you want to go to him?"

I skimmed away crossing my arms and keeping my face up so my tears wouldn't fall. I can't break down.

"No! I don't want him. I hate him nor do I want this, I want nothing related to me or this child... I want this thing gone"

She weep sucking in her breath while tears made their way out of her eyelids when she blinked.

Even the tears were like diamonds in her eyes, she didn't deserve this and certainly didn't deserve what had she suffered.

"You should talk to your parents, I can—" she disrupted.

"Why don't you understand? They don't want me! They hate me! I didn't know.... I—I... I didn't know he would do that... I didn't know that I was the only one in that relationship... you think I didn't try?" the tears fall from her fluffy cheeks unstoppably.

Great now my heart hurts more.

"When I told them, they told me the same! I... I be—" she choked on her tears. "I begged him... I even proposed to him and all I got was.... 'We are done, Jennie' and you believe I would kill someone unborn, I hate myself! I hate myself even more today... 

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