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The author of this account permits me to write this story's epilogues since the author said and I quote 'I certainly don't know what to write any more' I wasn't confident enough to publish my work anywhere so here is it.


"Are you alright?" Irene's concerned voice broke through the stillness of the office, her eyes observing my restless shuffling through files for hours.

I let out a heavy sigh, setting the file aside and meeting her gaze across the table. "Not really. It's been two months since I haven't been able to hold my wife for longer than a few seconds, especially with the twins demanding so much attention. Having babies is nice but I feel like we are not even close anymore"

A soft chuckle escaped Irene, a mixture of amusement and understanding dancing in her eyes. She probably thought I was being dramatic, but how could I not feel this way? I missed the warmth of my wife's embrace, and the tender kisses we used to share without any interruptions. It felt like a distant memory now, overshadowed by the constant care of our newborns. We haven't even made out and don't tell me it's gonna be the same because Rosie detoured touching me for at least a year after Archie's birth which took us 5 days of sick leave to make up for the time.

"You're feeling jealous of your own babies now?" Irene teased gently, her tone lighthearted yet empathetic. "But Jennie, remember why Chae did it in the first place. Taking care of Archie during his birth was challenging for you."

I nodded, acknowledging her point but unable to shake off the longing in my heart. "I know, but it's hard. I just want to feel that closeness again, even if it's just for a moment. Having twins doesn't mean we have to put our love life on hold indefinitely. I mean, we're still young and in love and I'm merely 32, I have deficiencies"

Irene's laughter was muffled, a smile playing on her lips. "You have a point there. Maybe you can plan a special day with Chaeyoung soon. Leave Archie with us for a day, he'll be in good hands because there is no way we can take care of your 2-month-old twins"

The idea sparked a flicker of hope in me, concocting a day filled with uninterrupted moments of love with my wife. "That sounds wonderful even though I know my dear wife would say Archie has exams coming up and twins are only two months old. My 5-year-old is much smarter to be babysat by anyone, he rather spends his day playing tennis"

I gathered my things to leave, Irene couldn't help but comment on Archie. "He's quite the smart and talented boy, isn't he? Takes after Chaeyoung in some ways."

I smiled, a fondness for my son is evident in my eyes. "He's a blend of both of us, I'd say. But he has my eyes."

With a renewed sense of determination to reconnect with my wife, I headed out of the office, my thoughts consumed by the longing to feel Chaeyoung's love once again, even if solely for a day.

After Archie's birth, Rosie has become moderately more vigilant and protective of me and him. She would not allow me to do a single aspect for a minimum of 3-4 months, and what became in reality frustrating yet endearing became having her so near but feeling unable to fully have her or love her. She has been the epitome of a great associate, mother, and buddy. Whebackwardshave a look at Archie, I see Rosie's tendencies to meditate on him. He's so much in the direction of Rosie, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Sometimes, this bond makes me overlook my past toils. However, the only thing I will in no way remorse is having my son with Rosie and experiencing the day of his advent.

Behind Archie's third birthday, Rosie gave me the wonderful announcement that we had been expecting twins. Her pregnancy made me acknowledge how difficult my mood swings can be. I'm not the most patient person, and this sometimes causes arguments among us. Nevertheless, Rosie's keenness usually softened my heart, and I regularly discovered myself apologizing. Throughout her incubation, I witnessed Rosie's first-rate patience, especially for the duration of instances once I struggled with the pressures of labour, Archie's studies, and more.

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