Chapter 5

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"Hey! Bestie! Took you 2 days to get over the wedding night, uh?" Irene jumped in front of me as soon as I got into the office.

Only she knows about me or the pregnancy though she might be thinking I get rid of the child after the wedding and I would if Rosie didn't show up. Even the thought of her tingles in my chest.

"What are you doing here?" I took off my blazer and sat back in my chair.

"What am I doing here? I'm here to know why you needed one more leave. Did something happen? Did you change your mind about abortion? Are you leaving your wife? Do you want me to arrange divorce papers? Is she not good? Did she give you a hard time?" she kept jabbering to herself so I waited until she ran out of questions.

"Are you done?" I asked after 5 mins of hearing her babbling to herself because I didn't hear shit, Rosie won't like it.


How even her name manager put a smile on my face?

"You're smiling? Did he com—" I cut her off.

"NO! I don't want to hear that name ever again..." I heard Rosie in my head saying. 'Don't do this or that because it's bad for me to even hear it'

She frowned, "Are.. are you okay?" 

"I'm okay... actually I'm more than okay," I assured her.

"What about the abo—" 

"I didn't do it..." I told her everything leaving the details of bed talks or last night's almost kiss.

She had her mouth opened in astonishment and I can't blame her since she hadn't met Rosie at the wedding because she wasn't at the wedding. She takes my place whenever I'm on leave and I handle her work when she's on leave, we barely get a holiday on the same day except at weekends.

"Oh. My. God" she expressed. 

I take out my coffee cup from the drawer to make coffee but I close it hearing Rosie's voice scolding my head. In 2 days I felt like I had known her for 2 years or something, she truly changed my point of view to see my life just by caring for me and filling my heart with the desire to be loved. By her.

"I bet 4 days ago Jennie would have the same reaction..." I chuckled closing her mouth for her settling back on my chair.

"She loves you? Is she pretty? Do you like her? Of course, you do! You're freaking smiling like an idiot" she mocked raising her brows and I acknowledged maintaining my sharp face.

"She's pretty... she's.. not human, she a damn goddess of angels the only difference is... she doesn't have wings" I opened my computer system ignoring that she stared at me shockingly.

"Oh, Kim... you're whipped" she claimed.

My heart did a little dance in agreement with her remark and I wasn't even offended like I used to get whenever she said this about any of my relationships but this time it felt true.

I remember how I woke up today with her face only inches away from mine while we cuddled in sleep and our pets sleeping on the 2 corners of the bed. The image of her in the morning is captured in my head, her snuggling up to my shoulder like Kuma does and her hand on my waist holding me close. My hand covered her to make sure we would not asunder in sleep, but it still gave me goosebumps.

Irene smacked onto my head, "Come back!" She chuckled. "Are you in love with your wife?" 

I was rubbing my head when I asked her question to myself, do I? 

"I don't know... but it won't take long I know that" I take out the juice bottle Rosie has given to me if I crave to drink coffee.

"I must meet this girl! What has she done to you? I felt like I was talking to high school Jennie" She snatched the bottle from me.

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