Chapter 8

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Rosé's pov

She is being sensitive again, The doctor has told me about how stormy her mood swings gonna be and I told her that I would manage but now she is so infuriated that I was speaking to the doctor. Changing doctors would be problematic since Suzy knows everything about our situation. 

"I'm yours, Jennie. All yours and I know that's why you're fussing up all week. We are married, I'm not going anywhere and you don't have to worry if someone wants me because I want you..." 

She was going to her room so I backed her and the smell of her rich fragrance was incredible. I wish I could keep staying like this, I brush her hair aside from her neck kissing her shoulder from back while caressing her waist to comfort her.

She twisted to me, her jaw clenched glaring at me as she clutched my shirt from the front tugging me to her, "You're my baby..."

I grinned hugging her, "All yours"

She loves me what more could I ask from god? 

She had full control over me and my heart yet she was being paranoid that I would leave her. It's been like the routine of every day where I have to assure her about my feelings for her and sometimes I don't want to say no but when I don't express it, she overthinks every single thing.

"I want ice cream..." she spoke out of nowhere.

I suppress my laugh at her sudden change of mood, "Okay..." I agreed even though it's not the kind of season to eat ice cream but how am I supposed to say 'no' to her pouty face?

"Really?" she frantically held my hand dragging me out of the house.

I got the car keys while she was towing me out of the house, she's my world now. If heaven is somewhere then it's in her hand, her smile, her face, her voice and in her.

"Let's take an evening walk?" I implied hiding the car keys in my pocket.

"No" she groused holding my index fingers and wobbling our hand like a kid.

"For me, please" I mimicked her and she rolled her eyes.

"What are you 5?" she asked.

She was so adorable in her 6th week of pregnancy that I exclusively wanted to keep her in the bed and kiss her all the time. Pampering her whole day though I held her hand making her walk with me on the footpath, our fingers intertwined in her pocket.

"What ice cream do you want to eat?" I questioned as soon as we got to the ice cream stall.

She had her face scrunched up in revulsion, "I don't like it here... I feel... queasiness" 

I nodded, "Let's go back... we can watch the series" 

She yanked my hand crossing her arms, "You only want to watch for Katherine, Caroline and Stefan" She eyed me.

Okay, they are my favorite characters so I get enthusiastic.

"We can watch something else" I offered.

"No! I like it" she gibed. "But I don't like it when you watch it" 

"I can make lunch for you while you watch, how's that?" I pushed a smile reaching to grab her hand but she turned to the right.

"But I like it when you watch it with me," she conveyed.

Damn you doctor Suzy, you only warn me about the mood swings. What about the solutions to mood swings? 

"I can sit with you then..." I shrugged pulling her closer while she still had her arms crossed like the little boss she is.

"You didn't tell Lisa or Jisoo about me, are you asha—" I encased my hands around her because this was the only way to shut her small beautiful mouth and where all of these coming from?

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