Chapter 13

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Jennie's pov

"She's what?" Rosie's mom broadened her eyes scrutinising me propelling me to hold onto Rosie's hand under the dining table and she stroked my hand with her thumb.

"It's good news, Mother" She cracked a chuckle as if pushing them to believe it was good news.

"Of course! It is! We are happy for both of you!" Rosie's dad, Andrew cheered elbowing his wife, "Come on sweetheart.." he whispered to her.

Rosie was rigorously the copy of her dad but a girl version.

"Uh?" she peeks up at her husband joining him in clicking her champagne glass. "Congratulations, both of you" she fumbled on her words provoking Rosie's 22-year-old brother to crackle up discreetly but seal his lips when our eyes met.

"Jimin!" Rosie chastises her brother.

"It's fine..." I whispered to her.

"When-I mean why didn't you tell anyone that you both were attempting for a baby and it's already been a month and a half? I'm so excited!" Her dad gulped the champagne while my parents constricted their eyes on me sceptically.

"But isn't it too early? It hasn't been four months since marriage" My mom questioned not believing our story and Rosie was too nice to step up in between.

"I know though one day we would want that so why not now when we are healthy and in good shape? It would be better to have kids before crossing the 20s and we both wanted it" she beamed.

"Okay... if that's what you like Chaeyoung" My dad's demeanour was at its peak because the last time I told them I was pregnant he told me to never come back until I got rid of the child/ thing in his words.

"And we are informing you not asking you, thank you for the dinner" She dabbed the handkerchief on her mouth with so much refinement in her actions getting up and I glanced around seeing my parents' reaction who was glowering at me.

"You're already going?" Her dad glumly expressed. He was the cutest dad.

She let go of my hand and went to her dad gave him a hug and my dad made eye contact for a while before Rosie extended her hand for me to hold. She bid her goodbye to everyone and I had no intention of talking to my parents however my mom made her way to me embracing me.

Unexpectedly I was astounded.

"See I knew she would be the best life partner for you... Congratulations, darling. I'm happy for you..." She kissed my cheek and I skimmed up at Rosie still holding her hand.

"Thanks, Mom, we'll see you soon" Rosie kissed my mom's cheek before we both headed to our car.

"What's wrong Jennie?" she waved her hand in front of my face while we were in the car on the way back to our home.

"Was she truly my mom or did someone possess her soul?" I looked at her and she burst out laughing.

"Maybe she was possessed by an angel..." she implied her index to herself. "Name Roseanne..." she grinned.

I rolled my eyes jolting her hand, "This is serious, she seems so happy like what the hell as if she didn't-" I was about to talk when I acknowledged we were not alone in the car and revealed a secret to anyone would be bad.

However, Rosie took the hint and understood drawing me closer to her in her arms, "Don't overthink, Wifey.... Past is past let it go and it's not like we would be meeting them every day"

I nodded resting my head on my shoulder on the way home.

We both rush to the living room hopping on the couch our lips devouring constantly reaching for another in between, tugging each other's clothes to tear off to feel the skin of each other and she assisted me to take off her clothes.

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