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A heavy sigh escaped from his mouth while his fingers ran through his hazelnut brown hair. "I told you to not disturb me here" he said with annoy lacing his tone.

The girl frown a little and reached for his hand, "but isn't it dangerous here? why are you here? I don't like you being here, look at those guys, they look scary and dangerous" she said while shamefully pointing for some boys who are under the tent.

Jisung pulled his hand away before glaring towards the girl.

"you are the one who shouldn't be here, I like being here and don't say shit like that about my friends" he muttered before rolling his eyes.

"just go home Kang Yurim, I don't want to go away from here, I like it here" he muttered once again before walking away, passing the girl but she once again grabbed his wrist.

"I just care for you, Jisung... there's nothing good here, I don't want you to befriend with them" she complained once again, pouting a little.

But that little pout doesn't work on him. Instead he scoffed and slapped her hands away. "you're not my parents or anyone to me, I can befriend with anyone I want, this is my life, I can do whatever I want and I don't need your little care about me because my friends care for me and know me better"

He huffed heavily before turning away. "I don't get it why you are so obsess with me Kang Yurim, I told you to not disturb me, please stop coming to me, I hope you respect my decision" he muttered for the last time before walking away.

"but I love you Jisung! I really do!" she shouted from far making Jisung bitterly chuckled and shook his head in disbelief.

'love? So fake, impossible, such a liar, she doesn't love me, she only wants to use me'

"jisung! Don't leave me this way" she shouted again but the boy stay unbothered, ignoring the girl as he continued his steps towards the tent where his friends waiting at.

He glanced behind and saw the girl stomped her feet in anger before stomping away, frown plastering on her face.

He rolled his eyes in annoyed over her dramatic behavior.

"she still hasn't leave you alone?"
Jisung turned to the owner of the voice who's watching him while leaning against his car, arms crossing over his chest.

Jisung nodded his head slowly before sighing heavily, "I don't get her, why can't she like other person? It's so obvious I don't like her"

Chenle pressed his lips into thin line before shrugging his shoulders, "well, I don't even know why but all I know is she's just too obsess with you and that's clearly not good"

Jisung hummed, agreeing with the elder. "if I didn't save her a year ago, this shit won't happen" Chenle frowned, "aye, don't say that, you save a person's live, you save her from getting into an accident, you're a hero"

Jisung sighed heavily before lowered his head. His fingers traced to his bracelet, caressing it slightly.

"if I able to save her too, everything now won't happen right? I could continue living like before"

Chenle patted the younger's shoulders before shaking his head slowly, "stop blaming yourself on everything that happened, she will be sad if she heard you saying bad things to yourself, cheer up, she's watching you up there, she'll be happy if you happy, you don't want her to be sad right?"

A smile slowly crept on his face as he slowly nodded his head, looking up towards the elder. "thank you, Chenle"

Chenle chuckled, "don't mention it, what kind of best friend who wants to see their best friend sad?" he smiled and nudged his head towards the other members.

"up for tonight? Renjun hyung said, tonight's race will be fun and the opponent offered a sexy amount of cash" Chenle smirked while wiggling his eyebrows.

Jisung smirked and nodded his head, "sounds great, why not?"

Bro, I've been gatekeeping this book for like a year and finally found motivation to continue it again

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Bro, I've been gatekeeping this book for like a year and finally found motivation to continue it again.

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