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Eight |

Hyeji glared towards the male, "what is wrong with you? are you crazy?!" she exclaimed, gaining other people attention towards them.

"Hyeji, come here"

He muttered while gritting his teeth, eyes still fixed on Yangyang who held his bruised cheek and bleeding lips.

Hyeji is stubborn. There's no way she would listen to the male so she continued to glare at the male. "and why should i?" she talked back.

Seonwu turned to Hyeji before clenching his jaw, grabbing her wrist and pulled her beside him. "stay away from her, if I saw you around her one more time, I wouldn't hesitant to end you" he warned to Yangyang before forcefully dragging the girl away.

"Seonwu, let go!" she said a bit too loud as she tried to pull her hand away but he tighten his grip. "so this is why you don't answer my call? Busy flirting with other guy?"

Her eyes went wide as she heard his words. "no, you don't say that" she chuckled in disbelief.

"yes, you heard me right" he said before groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. "why can't you listen to me Hyeji? I told you to not be close around other guys, only me! just me!"

She shook her head and pushed him away. "you've gone crazy, you can't control my life, I can be friend with anyone I want"

Seonwu scoffed and raised his eyebrows, "friend? You said that friend? All I see if you acting like a slu-"

Before he could finish his words, a punch thrown on his face, making the male stumbled back and dropped to the ground.

"finish your words I dare you!"

Hyeji immediately ran towards Haechan and held his hand, hiding behind his back. Jeno stared at the male on the ground with his cold piercing eyes.

"you're such a jerk, why didn't you realize it yet? You act like she's a robot who will listen to you all the time, what's wrong with your brain?" Jeno muttered before cocking his head up, judging the male.

Seonwu got up from the ground before eyeing Hyeji's brothers and rolled his eyes.

"she's my girlfriend"

"we're her brothers" Haechan quickly interrupted before tilting his head slightly and smirked. "I think the one who have right to control Hyeji is us not you, since when you became the part of our family" Haechan continued.

Seonwu scoffed and turned to Hyeji. "c'mon Hyeji, do you really want to be like them? you could stay with me, I could give you anything, anything you want I can buy it for you"

Jeno blocked Hyeji from Seonwu's sight before furrowing his eyebrows. "but can you bring happiness for her?"

Seonwu froze as he stayed silent since he got nothing to talk back.

Jeno smirked and nodded his head, "exactly, so now please go away and stop disturbing Hyeji, she deserves someone better than you"

Seonwu rolled his eyes and pointed his fingers towards Jeno and Haechan, "you guys wait, just wait, I will come back and all of you will regret"

Haechan chuckled bitterly, "oouhh, so scary" he said while pouting before his expression turned serious once again.

"try us bastard, let's see what you can do" Haechan challenged before crossing his arms over his chest.

Seonwu huffed harshly before walking away leaving the siblings together.

Hyeji sighed and handed an ice pack to her best friend

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Hyeji sighed and handed an ice pack to her best friend. "I'm sorry" she muttered before lowering her head, fiddling with her fingers.

Yangyang looked up to the girl before raised his eyebrows, "what are you sorry for?"

Hyeji glanced towards the male before pointing at his bruise. "because of me, you got hurt, so I'm sorry"

Yangyang chuckled before shaking his head a little, "it's not even your fault, it's that jerk's fault, why are you apologizing? You shouldn't apologize for his behalf, he doesn't deserves a forgiveness from me after he use my best friend"

Hyeji grinned before looking up towards the male, "why can't Jeno just beat the fuck of him? he's stressing me, you know? Why you did even met him at the first place? What kind of wrongdoing you did until god sent him to a kind girl like you?"

Hyeji stared at the male who complained while scrunching his nose, looking towards other direction while his hand busy holding the ice pack, placing it on his bruise.

"ah whatever, just you better find a better man" he said before turning to the girl. "a man okay? a man who will treat you right, a man who will do anything, sacrifice his life just for you and a man who will love you with from the bottom of his heart"

Hyeji laughed and smack his arm slightly, "you're too caring about me"

Yangyang rolled his eyes, "I always care for you Hyeji, I really want to see you with a man of your dream"

Hyeji nodded her head, "yeah, let's see who if I have a good luck in my life or nah"

Yangyang chuckled and shook his head before looking away and made an eye contact with someone which make he raised his hand, waving towards the person. "aye, man!" he called.

Hyeji raised her eyebrows and turned towards where Yangyang gaze's at just to find someone who she recognized.

Her face brightened up as she saw him, "jisung!" she also waved her hand towards him.

Yangyang furrowed his eyebrows, "you know him?" he asked and Hyeji shrugged her shoulders, "well, yeah, long story" she chuckled before turning to Jisung once again.

Jisung approached them as he arrived under the tent where Hyeji and Yangyang chilling at. "you're here" Hyeji blurted.

Jisung smiled, "Jeno hyung said you join a motorcross and it sounds fun so why not I come here to see your skills?" Jisung said making the girl chuckled, "there's no need, I'm not very good at it though"

Jisung chuckled, "don't say that, you should boost up your confidence not letting down yourself" he advised making the grinned and nodded her head.

"yeah, okay, thank you Mr. Park" she teasingly said before both of them burst into laughter in unison.

Yangyang narrowed his eyes while eyeing the two kids. He scoffed before rolling his eyes and stood from his seat. "I guess I don't want to be a third-wheeler so I get going first" Yangyang jokingly said.

"oh yeah, Haechan hyung looking for you by the way" Jisung said and Yangyang smiled while nodding his head, "okay"

He said before turning to the girl, "you better spill everything tomorrow Lee Hyeji" he mouthed towards the girl before glaring at her making the girl widen her eyes and mouthed, "what?"

Yangyang chuckled to Jisung before excused himself and walked away leaving the two of them together.


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