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Twenty Eight |

The door closed behind him as the male walked inside the apartment with smile plastering on his face. That night might be the best night for him and he sure he will forever that special moment on top of the hills. 

Jisung just got home after dropping Hyeji at her house. 

They still shy about their new status but they did agree for taking it slow and just go with the flow. 

Jaemin and Renjun eyed the younger who was acting weird as soon as he walked passed the living room. The elder exchanged looks and Renjun lifted his shoulders. 
"Hey Andy" 

Jisung's movement halted. He slowly turned towards his brothers and raised his eyebrows. Jaemin narrowed his eyes and pulled the male before he could go inside his room. 

"Any teas?" 

Jisung sat beside Renjun and stared at them in confusion. "What teas?" he asked back, reaching for the chips on the table. He averted his attention towards the television, "Ah, why are you watching Conjuring around this hour..." he complained. 

Renjun paused the movie and placed the remote away. "Did you went out with Hyeji earlier?" Jisung blinked a few times before scoffing a little, finally getting what they trying to say. 

"Yeah, we went out as usual at the circuit- Jeno hyung asked me to train her skills for the upcoming race" he casually replied. 

Jaemin slowly nodded, "and...?" 

Renjun hugged the pillow tighter, smiling. "What happened then?" 

The younger pressed his lips into thin lines and sighed, looking away from them. He did promised to himself that he doesn't want to tell his relationship with Hyeji to anyone yet. He just thought that they don't to know. 

He faced the elders again and shrugged. 

"I confessed" 

Jaemin and Renjun exchanged looks, wide smiles on their faces. "I know it, I can sensed it already..." Jaemin scoffed. "Then what? She rejected you?" Renjun blurted which made Jisung stared at him in disbelief. 

"Hyung! What would you think like that?" he groaned and rolled his eyes. "She said she likes me too" he got up from the couch and stuffed his hands inside the pockets. "That's what you want to hear right?" 

Jaemin nodded like a kid, "did you two kiss already???" he asked in excitement, eyes sparkling.


"More than that?!" 

The younger facepalmed and shook his head, leaving the elders in the living room. "Don't come in my room when you can't sleep tonight!" he shouted referring to Renjun. 

Renjun pouted and rolled his eyes, grabbing the remote to continue watching the movie. 

"What, does he think I'm 5?" he scoffed and stuffed the chips in his mouth. 


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