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Twelve |

The younger girl could only sigh, lowering her head listening to Haechan nagging.

It's break time so everyone was chilling at the store. Jeno did report the incident to the police, he just got back from the police station and the police said Seonwu is under their watch as Jeno give them his car's plate number.

"I really can't chill right now– he really dares to raise his hand on my sister. Even we never hit you! He really doesn't know his place, huh"
Yejin sighed and patted Haechan's back, calming him down.

The tanned male huffed and shook his head in disbelief.

"Thank you for coming, Jisung" Jeno muttered thanking the boy who's helping the girl, compressing ice on her cheek. "Thank you too Yangyang for protecting her, he punched you harder this time..." Jeno muttered pitying the boy.

Yangyang chuckled, "it's fine. I would be useless if I don't protect my best friend"

Hyeji turned to Jisung and pointed at his elbow. "You hurt yourself" she muttered quietly to him which Jisung brushed it away by smiling, "it's no big deal, your cheeks and wrist bruised really bad" she pursed her lips.

She might think the universe hates her by sending Seonwu, a psychotic man in her life but she needs to thank the universe for sending these boys. She got 2 protective and caring brothers, good bestfriends and now Jisung who willing to protect her from Seonwu.

She's surrounded by good people.

Her parents might not be able to protect her anymore so the universe sent them. She's grateful enough. Other things can go but not them. She doesn't know what to do without them.

"let me treat those wounds at least" she said, grabbing the aid kit from him.

Jisung silently listened to her and let the girl put some ointment on his elbow.
He took the opportunity to admire her features better.

She got beautiful eyes and sharp nose like Jeno, pouty lips like Haechan and beautiful skin. The key point was a mole under her eyes. These siblings really got beautiful moles decorating their faces huh.

She's pretty.

Her facial features are just perfect.


The male snapped back into reality and turned to the owner of the voice. Yangyang looked at him and smile mischievously which made Jisung shook his head. "You like her" he mouthed and Jisung repeatedly shook his head which made Yangyang secretly laugh before walked out from the store.

Hyeji put a plaster on the wound and smiled, "there you go"

He flashed a smile, "thank you"
She closed the aid kit and keep it away, "I guess I will continue my work now, thank you again Jisung" he nodded and with Hyeji took her cue to walk out from the store.

"I saw that, young man"

Jeno muttered which made Jisung raised his left eyebrow. The elder chuckled, "you're good to my sister– I guess I can approved you"
Jisung scoffed and shook his head, "approve what hyung, we will not date"

"I don't say approve to date her. I meant as her friend" Jeno added which made Jisung shut his mouth. Slowly a smirk crept on Jeno's face. He snickered and shook his head, "kids nowadays"

 He snickered and shook his head, "kids nowadays"

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