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Nineteen |

The biggest race will be held today morning and people had arrived, occupying the all the seats that were provided.

The Dreamies were seated under the tents where all racers waited. Hyeji came along to the race with Yangyang and Yejin of course.
Yangyang having a conversation with Renjun, Yejin comforting Haechan who was feeling nervous and Hyeji as usual with Jisung.

"Are you not nervous?" the girl asked and Jisung shook his head. "I've been doing this for years, Hyeji. I don't feel nervous anymore" he smiled proudly which made Hyeji retorted the smile, nodding her head.

"Great then"

She fixed his jacket, catching him off guard.
"Win the race" she reminded and he titled his head, grinning. "What do I get if I win– I mean I always win anyway"

"Another date?"

His face lit up which made Hyeji burst into laughter at his cuteness. He suppressed his smile and looked around, making sure the members not looking at them.
"Really?" he asked and she simply nodded her head. "Make sure to win or no dates at all" he stared her in disbelief, "that's not fair!"

Hyeji stick out her tongue, handing his gloves.

"Okay then, I won't accompany you at here anymore." She scoffed, "that one is real unfair, you've promised" Jisung rolled his eyes jokingly, knowing well that he wouldn't do that.

The two continued their random conversations, waiting until the race start in another 20 minutes just like how the mc announced earlier.


A voice approached, stealing their attentions. Jisung smiled faded as he realized who it was. Hyeji turned to Jisung before facing the girl came to approach them.
"Who is this?" she asked, pointing at Hyeji and Jisung immediately slapped her hand away. "You don't point your finger at her like that"

Jisung grabbed Hyeji's hand and pulled her behind him.
"Why are you here?" he asked, clearly hate her presence.

This is Hyeji's first time seeing Jisung this serious. He usually someone who talk politely and softly to everyone but this time it's just short and stern.

"Well, I came to see you of course" the girl smiled innocently which made Jisung tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Why so sudden? As I remember you hate to see me here and told me to get a better life" the girl chuckled awkwardly, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I've realized now... I should support your interest instead of stopping you"

Jisung scoffed, "fake"

He glanced towards Hyeji and faced the girl again, "don't try to get near with her and I don't like to see you here, go home" he said referring to Hyeji.
"But Jisung– why suddenly her? I thought we had something!"

"You thought. I never see you more than someone I know, not even a friend, Yurim."

"oh so her name is Yurim" –Hyeji's thought.

Just Yurim was about to say something, Haechan called the male and Jisung immediately walked away with Haechan leaving Yurim dumbfounded.

She turned to Hyeji, clenching her fist which made Hyeji pursed her lips together and awkwardly looked away. "Who are you even to him?" she asked unsatisfied.

"A frie–"

"Jisung's girlfriend" a voice interrupted.

Yurim frowned, "This girl? Jisung's girlfriend?" she scoffed a laugh, "He could do better," she muttered enough for Hyeji to hear.
"Shut the fuck up, he set his standard high so that's why he choose her" Chenle crossed his arms across his chest.

"Go mirror yourself first before talking shit about her, she's triple times much better than you"

Yurim gasped, offended. "What does he even sees in her? Just a normal boring girl. Must be a bitch" she said again pointing her finger towards Hyeji.

"Nah miss girl, you don't talk rudely to her like that, you don't get on her limits" Mark sassily muttered and Yangyang eyed her from head to toe before rolling his eyes, annoyed.

Yurim gritted her teeth, "Why do y'all on her side? You guys know about me and Jisung!"
Renjun nodded, "Yeah we knew, that's why we are siding Hyeji"

"Oh, so she's Hyeji"

"This boring bitch you said is my sister and yes she is that bitch so before she fucks you off with shoving all those Wrenches in your mouth, you better go"

Yurim clenched her fist, intimidated by how Jeno looked at her. She stomped her feet and angrily walked away after glaring at Hyeji.

Jeno sighed, "you okay baby sis?"

"Her breath smells like shit"

Is this book another flop

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Is this book another flop...? 😞

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